Last but not least bedeutung

A phrase used to emphasize that someone or something is still significant, despite being mentioned last in a list of people or things. And last but not least, our stalwart IT staff—this issue never would have been published without them!

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

last but not least

Cliché last in sequence, but not last in importance. (Often said when introducing people.) The speaker said, "And now, last but not least, I'd like to present Bill Smith, who will give us some final words." And last but not least, here is the final graduate.

McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

last but not least

Last in sequence but not least in importance, as in Last but not least, I want to thank all the people who sent me copies of my article in the paper . [Late 1500s]

The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer. Copyright © 2003, 1997 by The Christine Ammer 1992 Trust. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

last but not least

COMMON You use last but not least to say that the last person or thing to be mentioned is as important as all the others. We are pleased to welcome her four sons, Christopher, twins Daniel and Nicholas, and last but not least 2-year-old Jack. And last but not least, try to eat fresh fruit rather than desserts loaded with sugar.

Collins COBUILD Idioms Dictionary, 3rd ed. © HarperCollins Publishers 2012

last but not least

last in order of mention or occurrence but not of importance.

Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017

ˌlast but not ˈleast


ˌlast but by no means ˈleast

used to say that the last person or thing on a list, etc. is as important as the others: He thanked everyone for their help: Mr Watkins, Ms Smith, Ms Jackson, and last, but by no means least, Mr Jones.

Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017

last but not least

Last in a sequence but not least in importance. This expression dates from the sixteenth century, when it was used by John Lyly, who may have been its originator. “Of these three but one can stand me in steede, the last, but not the least” (Euphues and His England, 1580). Soon afterward it was used by Sir Philip Sidney, Edmund Spenser, and several times by Shakespeare (Julius Caesar, King Lear).

Last but not least, it is a clear threat to the civil rights of all of us.

Nicht zuletzt handelt es sich dabei um eine klare Bedrohung unser aller Bürgerrechte.

Last but not least, costs must be evaluated, taking account of enlargement.

Bei der Evaluierung der Kosten muss nicht zuletzt auch die Erweiterung berücksichtigt werden.

Last but not least, Bill Gates, I know you invented Windows.

Und zum guten Schluss: Bill Gates, ich weiß, dass du Windows erfunden hast.

Last but not least, PERI UP Easy requires considerably fewer anchor points compared to conventional facade scaffolding.

Nicht zuletzt benötigt PERI UP Easy im Vergleich zu herkömmlichen Fassadengerüsten deutlich weniger Ankerstellen.

Last but not least we found the Alpaca.

Nicht zuletzt fanden wir das Alpaka.

Last but not least, the OXSEED platform can be run on a distributed architecture.

Nicht zuletzt kann die OXSEED-Plattform auch mit einer verteilten Architektur gefahren werden.

Last but not least, our Syneo lounge furniture provides quiet retreats for concentrated work.

Nicht zuletzt ermöglichen unsere Syneo Loungemöbel ruhige Rückzugsorte zum konzentrierten Arbeiten.

Last but not least, diseases such as caries or periodontitis can lead to tooth loss.

Nicht zuletzt können Erkrankungen wie Karies oder Parodontitis zu Zahnverlust führen.

Last but not least the organisation's administration was completely re-organised and, where possible and necessary, automated.

Last but not least wurde die Organisationsverwaltung vollständig reorganisiert und wo möglich und notwendig automatisiert.

Last but not least: the weight and quality control.

Last but not least: die Gewichts- und Qualitätskontrolle.

Last but not least, we owe this to our employees.

Nicht zuletzt verdanken wir dies unseren Mitarbeitern.

Last but not least, the vacation should give inspiration for one's own work.

Nicht zuletzt soll der Urlaub Inspiration für das eigene Schaffen liefern.

Last but not least, Saskia is our regular translator.

Last but not least ist Saskia auch noch unsere Haus- und Hofübersetzerin.

Last but not least lead raw material and time savings to an immediately more efficient production.

Nicht zuletzt führen Rohstoff- und Zeitersparnisse zu einer unmittelbar effizienteren Produktion.

Last but not least they are a plus in every artist's CV.

Nicht zuletzt sind sie ein Plus in jeder Künstlerbiografie.

Last but not least the agency's consultants are uncomplicated and pleasant to work with.

Nicht zuletzt sind die Berater der Agentur unkompliziert und angenehm im Umgang.

Last but not least, a very simple integration is guaranteed by the easily perceptible laser light.

Eine sehr einfache Integration ist nicht zuletzt auch wegen des visuell gut wahrnehmbaren Laserlichts garantiert.

Wann sagt man last but not least?

last not least veraltend
last , not least [form.]
not the least inkling
nicht die leiseste Ahnung
not in the least [fig.]
nicht für fünf Pfennig [ugs.]
We learn not for school, but for life.
Nicht für die Schule, sondern für das Leben lernen wir. - umgekehrtes Zitat des römischen Autors Seneca
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Was bedeutet der Satz Last but not least?

zu guter Letzt {Adv.}

Wie schreibt man but not least?

You use last but not least to say that the last person or thing to be mentioned is as important as all the others.


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