Is responsible for the systematic transmission of knowledge skills and cultural values within a formally organized structure?

Informal Education in Preliterate Societies

Preliterate societies existed before the invention of  reading and wiling. These  societies have no written  language and are characterized by very basic technology and a simple division of labor. Daily activity often centers around the   struggle to survive against natural forces, and the earliest forms of education are  survival oriented. People in these societies acquire knowledge and skills through   informal education-« learning that occurs in a spontaneous, unplanned way.   rough direct informal education, parents and other members of the group provide   information about how to gather food. find shelter,

make weapons  and tools, and  get along with others. For example,  a boy might learn skills such as hunting.  gathering, fishing. and farming from his father. whereas a girl  might learn from her  other how to plant. gather,  and prepare food or howto take care of her younger sisters and brothers. Such informal education often occurs through   storytelling or ritual ceremonies that convey cultural messages and provide   behavioral norms. Over time, the knowledge shared through informal  education may  become the moral code of the  group.

Formal Education in Pr Industrial, Industrial, and Postindustrial  Societies

Although postindustrial societies have a written language,  few people know how to read and write. and formal education is often reserved  or  he privileged. Education becomes more formalized in postindustrial and industrial societies. Formal education is learning that takes place   within an academic setting such as a school, which has a planned instructional process and teachers who convey specific knowledge, skills,  and thinking  processes to students. Perhaps the earliest formal education the social institution responsible for the systematic transmission  f knowledge. skills.and cultural values within a formally organized structure.

cultural transmission the process by which children and   recent immigrants become acquainted with the dominant cultural beliefs, values, norms, and accumulated knowledge of a society. Informal  education learning that occurs in a spontaneous, unplanned way.  formal education learning that takes place within an academic setting    ch  s a school, which has a planned instructional process and teachers who convey specific knowledge, skills, and thinking  processes to  students.

Presentation on theme: "Chapter 16, Education Key Terms. education The social institution responsible for the systematic transmission of knowledge, skills, and cultural values."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 16, Education Key Terms

2 education The social institution responsible for the systematic transmission of knowledge, skills, and cultural values within a formally organized structure. cultural transmission The process by which children and recent immigrants become acquainted with the dominant cultural beliefs, values, norms, and accumulated knowledge of self.

3 Informal education Learning that occurs in a spontaneous, unplanned way. formal education Learning that takes place in an academic setting such as a school, which has a planned instructional process and teachers who convey specific knowledge, skills, and thinking processes to students.

4 mass education Refers to providing free, public schooling for wide segment of a nation’s population. cultural capital Social assets that include values, beliefs, attitudes, and competencies in language and culture.

5 tracking Assignment of students to specific courses and educational programs based on their test scores, previous grades, or both. hidden curriculum Transmission of cultural values and attitudes, such as conformity and obedience to authority, through implied demands found in rules, routines, and regulations of schools.

6 credentialism A process of social selection in which class advantage and social status are linked to the possession of academic qualification. functional illiteracy The inability to read and/or write at the skill level necessary for carrying out everyday tasks.

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Which social institution is responsible for the systematic transmission of knowledge skills and cultural values?

Educational institution is responsible for the systematic transmission of knowledge, skills and cultural values within a formally organized structure.

Which is responsible for the transmission of values patterns of behavior and certain skills and knowledge?

Education The process, in school or beyond, of transmitting a society's knowledge, skills, values, and behaviors.

What is the social institution responsible for?

Social institutions create stable patterns of interactions based on mutual expectations and contribute to overall stability. A social institution is an interrelated system of social norms and social roles that are organized and provide patterns of behaviors that contribute to meeting the basic social needs of society.

Which of these is the process of learning a culture and its values?

Enculturation is the process by which people learn the dynamics of their surrounding culture and acquire values and norms appropriate or necessary to that culture and its worldviews.


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