In which of the following circumstances would a CPA be considered independent?

Which of the following statements best explains why the CPA profession has found it essential to establish thical standards and means for ensuring their observance?

A distinguishing mark of a profession is its acceptance of responsibility to the public.

The AICPA Code of Professional Conduct contains both general ethical principles that are aspirational in character and also a

Set of specific, mandatory rules describing minimum levels of conduct a member must maintain.

When management refuses to disclose material noncompliane with laws and regulations identified by the independent auditor, the independent auditor may be charged with violating the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct for

Which of the following most completely describes how independence has been defined by the accounting profession?

Possessing the ability to act with integrity and objectivity.

An auditor strives to achieve independence in appearance to

Maintain public confidence in the profession.

The concept of materiality is least important to an auditor when considering the

Effects of a direct financial interest in the client on the CPA's independence.

Under the ethical standards of the profession, which of the following situations involving nondependent members of an auditor's family is most likely to impair the independence of an individual participating in an audit engagement?

A spouse's employment with a client.

A CPA purchased stock in an audit client corporation and placed it in a revocable educational trust for the CPA's dependent minor child. The trust securities were not material to the CPA but were material to the child's personal net worth. Is the independence of the CPA considered to be impaired with respect to the client?

Yes, because the stock is considered a direct financial interest and, consequently, materiality is not a factor.

The appearance of independence of a CPA, or that CPA's firm, is most likely to e impaired if the CPA

Serves as an executor and trustee of the estate of an individual who owned the majority of the stock of a clsely held client corporation.

In which of the following circumstances will a CPA who audits XM Corporation lack independence?

The CPA and XM's president each own 25% of FOB Corporation, a clsely held company.

According to the profession's ethical standards, an auditor would be considered independent in which of the following instances?

The auditor's checking account, which is fully insured by a federal agency, is held at a client finanial institution.

A CPA audits the financial statements of a local bank. Accourding to the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct, the appearance of independence ordinarily is not impaired if the CPA

Uses the bank's time-sharing computer service to solve client-related problems.

In which of the following instances is the independence of the CPA most likely not considered to be impaired? The CPA has been retained as the auditor of a

Credit union of which the CPA is a member.

A CPA who performs primary actuarial services for a nonissuer client normally is precluded from expressing an opinion on the financial statements of that client if the

CPA prepared an actuarial report using assumptions not approved by the client.

Which of the following legal situations would be considered to impair the auditor's independence?

Actual litigation by the auditor against the current management alleging management fraud or deceit.

In which of the following situations would a covered member's independence be considered to be impaired?

The covered member has a direct financial interest in an audit cleint, but the interest is maintained in a blind trust.


The covered member owns a commercial building and leases it to an audit client. The lease is properly classified as a capital lease, and the rental income is material to the CPA.

According to the profession's ethical standards, a CPA is considered independent in which of the following instances?

The CPA belongs to a country club client in which membership requires the acquisition of a pro rata share of equity.

An audit independence issue might be raised by the auditor's paricipation in consulting services engagements. Which of the following statements is most consistent with the profession's attitude toward this issue?

The auditor should not make management decisions for an audit client.

Burrow & Co., CPAs, have provided annual audit and tax compliance serevices to Mare Corp. for several years. Mare has been unable to pay Burrow in full for services Burrow rendered 19 months ago. Burrow isready to begin field work for the current year's audit. Under the ethical standards of the profession, which of the following arrangements will permit Burrow to begin the field work on Mare's audit?

Mare commits to pay the past due fee in full before the audit report is issued.

Under the ethical standards of the profession, which of the following investments by a CPA in a corporate client is an indeirect financial interest?

An investment held through a regulated mutual fund.

Which of the following acts by a CPA who is not in public practive is most likely to be a violation of the etical standards of the profession?

Using the CPA designation without disclosing employment status in connection with financial statements issued for external use by the CPAs employer.

The AICPA Code of Professional Conduct states, in part, that a CPA should maintain integrity and objectivity. Objectivity in the Code refers to a CPA;s ability

To maintain an impartial attitude on all maters that come under the CPA's review.

A violation of the profession's ethical standards would most likely have occurred when a CPA in public practice

Serves on a municipal board of income tax appeals, discloses that status to concerned parties, participates as a board member in a tax appeal involving a client, but does not receive the client's consent for such action.

Eagle Company's financial statements contain a departure from generally accepted accounting prinviples because, due to unusual circumstances, the statements would otherwise be misleading. The auditor should express an opinion that is

Unmodified and describe the departure in an other-matter paragraph.

According to the standards of the profession, which of the following activities may be required in exercising due professional care?

Consulting with Experts = Yes

Obtaining Specialty Accreditation = No

Which of the following statements concerning an accountant's disclosure of confidential client data is ordinarily true?

Disclosure may be made to any party on consent of the client.

A CPA;s retention of client-provided records after a demand has been made for them is an action that is

Prohibited under the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct.

To which of the following parties may a CPA partnership provide its audit documentation, without being lawfully subpoenaed or without the client's consent?

Any surviving partner(s) on the death of a partner.

Thorp, CPA, was engaged to audit Ivor Co.'s financial statements. During the audit, Thorp discovered that Ivor's inventory contained stolen goods. Ivor was indicted and Thorp was subpoenaed to testify at the criminal trial in state court. IVor claimed accountant-client privilege to prevent Thorp from testifying. Which of the following statements is most likely true regarding Ivor's claim?

Ivor can claim an accountant-client privilege onl in jurisdictions that have enacted a statute creating such a privilege.

The AICPA Code of Professional Conduct is violated if a CPA accepts a fee for services and the fee is

Payable after a specified finding is attained in a review of financial statements.

An issuer client who disagrees with the independent auditor on a significant matter affecting its financial statements has several courses of action. Which of the following courses of action would be inappropriate?

Appeal to the FASB to review the signigicant matter.

The profession's ethical standards most likely are violated when a CPA represents that specific consulting services will be performed for a stated fee and it is apparent at the time of the representation that the

Actual fee would be substantially higher.

Inclusion of which of the following statements in a CPA's advertisement is not acceptable pursuant to the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct?

Paul Fall

Certified Public Accountant

Endorsed by AICPA

Richard, CPA, performs compilation services for Norton Corporation, a nonpublic entity. The compilation reports issued by Richard disclose lack of independence and are not used by third parties. Richard has accepted a commission from a software company for recommending its products to Norton. The commission agreement was disclosed to Norton. Richard also refers Norton to Cruz, CPA, who is more competent with respet to engagements involving the industry in which Norton operates. Cruz performs an audit of NOrton's financial statements and subsequently remits to Richard a portion of the fee collected. The referral fee agreement was lkewise disclosed to Norton. Richard accepts the fee. Who, if anyone, has violated the Code of Professional Conduct?

Neither Richard nor Cruz.

Which of the following is required for a CPA firm to designate itself as "Members of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants" on its letterhead?

All CPA ownders must be members.

The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 has strengthened auditor independence by requiring that management of a public company

Select auditors through audit committees.

A member of the AICPA who is engaged to prepare an income tax return has a duty to prepare it in such a manner that the tax is

When a member of the AICPA prepares a taxpayer's federal income tax return, the member has the responsibility to

Be an advocate for the entity's position.

A CPA must sign the prepare's declaration on a federal income tax return

Only when the CPA prepares a tax return for compensation.

The preparer of a federal income tax return signs a preparer's declaration that states,

Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this return, including accompanying schedules and statements, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, it is true, correct, and complete. Declaration of preparer (other than the taxpayer) is based on all information of which the preparer has any knowledge.

A member of the AICPA who signs this declaration as preparer of a client's tax return warrants that

Information furnished by the client was relied upon in preparing the tax return unless it appeared incorrect, inconsistent, or incomplete.

Which of the following is implied when a member of the AICPA signs the preparer's declaration on a federal income tax return?

The tax return is not misleading ased on all information of which the member has knowledge.

According to the AICPA Statements on Standards for Tax Services, why must a CPA be satisfied that a reasonable effort has been made to obtain information needed to provide appropriate answers to the questions on a tax return before signing the preparer's declaration?

The declaration requires the CPA to state that the return is true, correct, and complete based upon all informaton of which the preparer has knowledge.

In accordance with the AIPA's Statements on Standards for Tax Services, when a reasonable basis exists for omission of an answer to an applicable question on a tax return,

The member-preparer need not provide an explanation for the omission on the return.

Jones, amember of the AICPA, prepared Smith's federal income tax return and appropriately signed the preparer's declaration. Several months later, Jones learned that Smith improperly altered several figures before mailing the tax return to the IRS. Jones should communicate disapproval of this action to Smith and

Take no further action with respect to the current year's tax return but considr the implications of Smith's actions for any future relationship.

According to the AICPA's standards, which of the following actions should be taken by a member tax preparer who discovers an error in a taxpayer's reviously filed tax return?

Kopel was engaged to prepare Riff Raff's Year 1 federal income tax return. During the tax preparation interview, Raff told Kopel that he paid $3,000 in property taxes in Year 1. Actually, Raff's property taxes amounted to only $600. Based on Raff's word, Kopel deducted the $3,000 on Raff's return, resulting in an understatement of Raff's tax liability. Kopel had no reason to believe that the information was incorrect. Kopel did not request underlying documentation and was reasonably satisfied by Raff's representation that Raff had adequate records to support the deduction. Which of the following satements is true?

Kopel is not subject to the preparer penalty for willful unerstatement of tax liability because Kopel was justified in relying on Raff's representation.

According to the profession's standards, which of the follwing are considered consulting services?

Advisory Services = Yes

Implementation Services = Yes

Assurance Services = No

A pervasive characteristic of a CPA's role in a consulting services engagement is that of being a(n)

The form of communication with a client in a consulting service should be

Which of the following general standards apply to consulting services?

Due Professional Care = Yes

Independence in Mental Attitude = No

Planning and Supervision = Yes

According to the standards of the profession, which of the following events will require a CPA performing a consulting services engagement for a nonaudit client to withdraw from the engagement?


The CPA has a conflict of interest that is disclosed to the client, and the client consents to the CPA's continuing the engagement.


The CPA fails to obtain a written understanding from the client concerning the scope of the engagement.

Which of the following statements applies to consultation services engagements?

A practitioner should obtain sufficient relevant data to complete the engagement.

The AICPA Code of Professional Conduct

Expects the CPA to honor the public trust.

The AICPA Code of Professional Conduct does not include enforceable Rules of Conduct on which of the following?

Responsibilities to colleagues.

CPAs are required to complete engagements competently. Competence includes all of the following except

An unbiased mental attitude.

Jaye B. Honest, CPA, was offered the engagement to audit Wicket Corporation for the year ended June 30, Year 3. She had served as a director of Wicket Corporation until June 30, Year 1, and her spouse currently owns 600 of the 10,000 outstanding shares of Wicket Corporation. Jaye disassociated from Wicket prior to being offered the engagement. Moreover, the engagement does not cover any period that includes Jaye's association or emplyment with Wicket. Under the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct, she should

Refuse the engagement because of her spouse's stock owndership.

The Conceptual Framework for AICPA Independence Standards

Adopts a risk-based approach to analysis of independence matters.

Dickins & Co., CPAs, offers to maintain on its computer certain routine accounting records for its audit client, Lake. If Lake accepts the offer and Dickins & Co. continues to function as independent auditor, Dickins & Co. is most likely to violate the rules relating to auditor's independence of which organization(s)?

A CPA who has a direct financial interest in a nonclient having a material investment in the CPA's audit client

Jordan is the executive partner of Cain & Jordan, CPAs. One of its clients is a large nonprofit charitable organization. The organization has asked Jordan to be on its board of directors, which consists of a large number of the community's leaders. For Jordan to be considered independent, which of the following requirements must be met?

Board Participation Purely Honorary = Yes

Audit Participation by Jordan Prohibited = No

Under the Code's Independence Rule, which of the following must be independent in the performance of an audit?

All individuals on the attest engagement team, except those performing routine clerical functions.

Under the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct, a covered member is most likely not permitted to

Have any joint closely held investment with a principal shareholder of an audit client during the period of the audit engagement.

The Code prohibits loans to a covered member from a client financial instituition exept for certain permitted loans made under normal lending procedures, terms, and requirements. When making the comparison between the terms of the member's loan and those of other borrowers, which item(s) should be considered in the determination of normal lending procedures?

All of the answers are correct.

Which of the following does not impair a CPA's independence?

The client is in bankruptcy and has not paid fees related to the previous year's audit.

Within the meaning of the Securities Act of 1933 and the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, an accountant deemed to be independent with regard to a specific entity must

Confirm in writing its independence from the audit


Discuss its independence with the audit committee

A CPA who is employed by a nonaccounting corporation performs services for the employer, includin auditing the employer's financial statements. Reports issued with respect to such activities are distributed with the CPA's name and CPA designation appearing on the corporate letterhead. These reports should

Make no reference to GAAS.

Which of the following is prohibited by the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct?

Prematurely expressing an opinion based on an audit because of time pressures from the client.

A CPA most likely does not violate the Code's Integrity and Objectivity Rule, if the CPA

Performs expert witness services for a nonissuer attest client that is one of many plaintiffs in a class action lawsuit.

The General Standards Rule does not require a member to

Provide assurance about prospective financial statements.

Ann Covington, CPA, has been asked to perform a consulting services engagement concerning the analysis of a potential merger. She has little experience with the industry involved. What is her most appropriate action?

Accept the engagement and perform additional research or consult with others to obtain sufficient competence.

When a CPA is associated with financial statements that do not comply with promulgated GAAP because the statements would be misleading without the departure, the CPA is not required to disclose

The reason the departure does not have a material effect on the statements.

Under the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct, a CPA may express an unmodified opinion on financial statements that contain a departure from GAAP if (s)he can demonstrate that because of unusual circumstances the financial statements would be misleading if the departure were not made. Which of the following is an example of unusual circumstances that could justify such a departure?

The evolution of a new form of business.

The Confidential Client Information Rule is violated when a member in public practice

Provides client profit and loss percentages to a trade association without the client's consent.

A member of the AICPA may render which service under a contingent fee arrangement?

A CPA provide investment advisory services, with the fee based on a percentage of the client's ivestment portfolio.

An external auditor is not permitted to discuss confidential client information without the specific consent of the client. This ethical proscription

Will not preclude the auditor from complying with a validly issued court subpoena.

With respect to records in a CPA's possession, the Code of Professional Conduct provides that

Extensive analyses of inventory prepared by the client at the auditor's request are working papers that belong to the auditor and need not be furnished to the client upon request.

Advertising or oter forms of solicitation that are false, misleading, or deceptive are not in the pblic interest, and AICPA members in public practice shall not seek to obtain clients in such a manner. Such activities include all the following except those that

Indicate the CPA's educational and professional attainments.

Ann Able, CPA, is considering forming a partnership with Ben Brown for the purpose of practicing public accounting. Which of the following is true?

Brown need not be a CPA if the partnership does not represent itself as a partnership of CPA's.

Bsed on the Code of Professional Conduct, a CPA

May not, upon leaving a firm, take any of the firm's client files without permission.

A violation of the profession's ethical standards most likely occurs when a CPA

Receives as a commission a percentage of the amounts invested by the CPA's audit clients in a tax shelter with the client's knowledge and approval.

Under the Form of Organization and Name Rule, and the related resolution of the AICPA Council, which of the follwing is a characteristic of a form of organization in which a member may practice public accounting?

A majority of the ownership of the firm must belong to CPAs.

A violation of the profession's ethical standards most likely occurs when a CPA who

Maintains a separate, distinct practive but forms an association with other CPAs for joint advertising. The group practices public accounting under the association's name.

Which action is not considered a discreditable act under the Code's Acts Discreditable Rule?

A CPA has a bank collect notes received from a client in payment of fees.

Which of the following violates the AICPA's Code of Professional Conduct?

A member shares offices with another member. Their joint letterhead implies that a partnership exists when each member is in fact practicing individually.

Which is most likely a violation of the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct?

A member does not timely file his or her own personal federal income tax return.

According to SEC independence regulations,

Preapproval of accountants' services may be in accord with detailed policies and procedures rather than explicit.

According to the PCAOB, an accounting firm's independence is least likely to be impaired if the firm

Has an audit client that employs a former firm professional.

According to the PCAOB, an accounting firm is most likely to be independent of its audit client if

The firm recommended an aggressive tax position to the client that is more likely than not to be legally allowed.

The IFAC's Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants considers threats to compliance with fundamental principles and safeguards that eliminate or reduce them. Threats may involve

Familiarity, such as an immediate relative's service as a director of the client.

Under the IFAC's Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants, independence is most likely impaired when

An immediate family member of a member of the audit team is a director of the client.

According to the IFAC's Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants section on professional appointment,

An accountant generally needs the client's permission to communicate with the current accountant.

Under the IFAC's Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants,

An accountant in public practice may accept an inconsequential gift from a client.

Inspections performed by the PCAOB focus on quality control of registered CPA firms that perform audits of public companies (issuers). As required by the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, inspections determine all of the following except that

Only staff with prior experience work on audits.

When Congress passed the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, it imposed greater regulation on public companies and their auditors and required increased accountability. Which of the following is not a provision of the act?

Audit firms must be rotated on a periodic basis.

Which of the following most likely is an allowable service that an auditor may provide to a public client?

Statements on Standards for Tax Services (SSTSs) have been issued by the Tax Executive Committee of the AICPA. The SSTSs

Are enforceable under the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct.

As part of an annual audit of a client, a member of the AICPA prepares the federal income tax return. What modifications should be made to the preparer's declaration when signing the return?

Modify to Conform to Audit Report = No

Modify to State That Information Was from Audited Financial Statements = No

In accordance with Statements on Standards for Tax Services, which of the following is not considered a basis for a good faith belief that a tax return position may be recommended by a member of the AICPA?

A low probability that the return will be audited.

Elwyn, a member of the AICPA, is preparing a federal tax return for Emma, who stated that she had made about $150 of cash donations to charitable donations had been given to solicitors at supermarkets, airports, and other similar settings. What should Elwyn do with this information when preparing the tax return?

Identify $150 as "Other miscellaneous contributions."

Statements on Standards for Consulting Services are issued by the AICPA Management Consulting Services Executive Committee. Shich statement concerning consulting services is false?

Consulting services ordinarily involve external reporting.

Under which of the following circumstances would the independence of a CPA be considered impaired?

101-12—Independence and cooperative arrangements with clients. Independence will be considered to be impaired if, during the period of a professional engagement, a member or his or her firm had any cooperative arrangement with the client that was material to the member's firm or to the client.

What is an independent CPA?

Independent public accountant (IPA) means a person who is licensed by, or otherwise authorized by, the appropriate State or jurisdiction to practice public accounting.

When should an accountant be independent?

Accountants in public practice should be independent in fact and appearance when providing auditing and other attestation services. If you provide attestation or assurance services to clients, a conflict of interest may prevent you from also providing investment advisory services.

What makes an accountant independent?

Essentially, independence means that the auditor must be able to do their work objectively and with integrity. And it goes farther. The auditor must not be perceived as having any kind of bias or connection with the business it is auditing. There must be no perception of any impropriety.


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