In object-oriented programming terminology, an unexpected or error condition is a(n)


1. The segment of code that handles or takes appropriate action following an exception is a

__________ block.




2. In object-oriented terminology, you __________ a procedure that might not complete correctly.




3. You __________ within a try block.

a.can place any number of statements

b.must place only a single statement

c.must place at leats two statements

4. The method that ends the current application and returns control to the operating system is





5. An advantage to using a try...catch block is that exceptional events are ___________.

a.isolated from regular events



6. A(n) __________ is a statement used in testing programs that should be true; if it is not true, an

Exception is thrown.




7. In object-oriented programming terminology, an unexpected or error condition is a(n)




Chapter 121.In object-oriented programming terminology, an unexpected or error condition is a(n):exception2.All Java Exceptions are:throwables3.Which of the following statements is true:Errors are more serious than Exceptions4.The method that ends the current application and returns control to the operating systemis:System.exit()5.In object-oriented terminology, you _________________ a procedure that might notcomplete correctly:try6.A method that detects an error condition or Exception _________________ anException:throws7.A try block includes all of the following elements except:the keyword catch8.The segment of code that handles or takes appropriate action following an exception is a___________ block:catch9.You _____________ within a try block:can place any number of statements10.If you include three statements in a try block and follow the block with three catchblocks, and the second statement in the try block throws an Exception, then:the fistmatching catch block executes11.When a try block does not generate an Exception and you have included multiple catch

  1. All Textbook Solutions
  2. Java Programming (9th Edition)
  3. In object-oriented programming terminology, an unexpected or error condition is a(n) __. a. anomaly b. exception c. deviation d. aberration

This textbook is available at

Java Programming (9th Edition)

Book Edition 9th Edition
Author(s) Farrell
ISBN 9781337397070
Publisher Cengage
Subject Computer Science

Learning About Exceptions

Trying Code and Catching Exceptions

Throwing and Catching Multiple Exceptions

Understanding the Advantages of Exception Handling

Specifying the Exceptions That a Method Can Throw

Tracing Exceptions through the Call Stack

Creating Your Own Exception Classes

Displaying the Virtual Keyboard

Chapter 12, End of Chapter, Review Questions, Exercise 1

In object-oriented programming terminology, an unexpected or error condition is a(n) ________.

Verified Answer and Explanation

Here is a tip:

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Related Exercises

Is an unexpected or error condition?

In object-oriented programming, an exception is referred to as an unexpected or error condition. Hence, the correct answer is option “B”.

Which of the following refers to an error condition in object oriented programming terminology?

EXCEPTION refers to an error condition in object - oriented to programming terminology .

Are errors more serious than exceptions?

Officially, exceptions are distinct from errors because errors are more serious issues that the application “should not try to catch.” Most developers, however, consider errors to be just a subset of exceptions.

What is an exception in programming?

Definition: An exception is an event, which occurs during the execution of a program, that disrupts the normal flow of the program's instructions. When an error occurs within a method, the method creates an object and hands it off to the runtime system.


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