How far should the IR collimated field extend below the knee for a lateral projection of the femur?

Criteria for assessing image quality

Sharp image demonstrating the soft tissue margins, bony cortex and trabeculae of tibia, fibula, femur and patella, with sufficient penetration to visualise the bony trabeculae and cortical outline of the patella over the femur. Demonstration of the knee joint space in contrast to bony areas.

Common errorsPossible reasons
The patella appears medially in relation to the femur and the proximal tibiofibular joint is demonstrated. The joint space may appear narrowed or obscured, unilaterally or bilaterally. Part, or all, of the tibial plateau does not appear to be seen in profile The leg is excessively internally rotated; ensure the tibial condyles are equidistant from the IR and the patella is centralised. However, take care to note whether the patient has a naturally medially positioned patella or knock knees before attempting repeat projection. If the tibiofibular joint appears to be demonstrated correctly, and joint space shown clear, then it is likely that the patient’s patella does not naturally lie centrally positioned; an example of this is shown in Figure 9.1C
The patella is projected laterally in relation to the femur and the proximal tibiofibular joint is obscured by the tibia. The joint space may appear narrowed or obscured, unilaterally or bilaterally. Part or all of the tibial plateau does not appear to be seen in profile There is excessive external rotation of the leg. Patellae are less likely to naturally lie on the more lateral aspect over the femur than medially, as above, but note should still be made to check if this is the case
There is no bony detail of the patella demonstrated – pale image of patella but femur may show trabecular detail outside the periphery of the patella The radiograph is under-penetrated; increase kVp

The neck of the femur projects anteriorly at an angle of 

In order to accurately position the patient for hip radiographs, one must localize two bony points on the pelvis called

superior margin of the symphysis, anterior superior iliac spine

The iliac articulates with the sacrum posteriorly at the

how many degrees should the feet and lower limbs be inter ally rotated for an AP pelvis radiograph?

the CR for an AP pelvis is directed perpendicular to the center of the IR. The CR entrance pt. will be about

2 inches superior to the pubic symphysis

which of the following will be shown "in profile" if the lower limbs are in correct position for an AP pelvis

Which method will demonstrate the femoral necks in the AP oblique projection?

for the Ap oblique femoral necks (modified cleaves method), the CR is directed

How much should the thighs be abducted for the AP oblique projection of the femoral necks (modified Cleaves method)

Where does the CR enter the patient for an AP hip?

2.5" distal on a line drawn perp to the midpt of a line btw ASIS & pubic symphysis

How many degrees is the lower limb and foot rotated internally for an AP hip?

What is the CR angle for an AP projection of the hip?

Which method will demonstrate the hip in a lateral projection

Unless contraindicated, the lower limb and leg should be internally rotated for an axiolateral projection of the hip (Danelius-Miller). How many degrees of rotation are required?

What is the respiration phase for the AP projection of the pelvis?

The strongest bone in the body

where is the IR centered for an AP pelvis

midway between the ASIS and pubic symphysis

How much is the knee flexed for a lateral projection of the patella?

The knee is in the correct position for a lateral projection of the patella if the

epicondyles are superimposed, patella is perpendicular to the IR

What is the CR angle for a lateral projection of the patella?

Where does the CR enter the knee for a lateral projection of the patella?

through the patellofemoral joint space

what is the CR angle for an Ap projection of the femur?

how many degrees should the limb be internally rotated for an AP projection of the femur?

How far should the IR/collimated field extend below the knee for a lateral projection of the femur?

If a lateral projection of the femur will include the hip joint, where should the top of the IR/collimated field be placed?

anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS)

How far should the patient be rolled posteriorly from the lateral position, for a lateral projection of the hip that will include the proximal femur?

Posteriorly, the femoral condyles are separated by a deep depression called the

Which devices are necessary to perform an axiolateral projection of the hip (Danelius-Miller)?

sandbags, leg support device, vertical IR holder

Which is important and frequently used radiographic positioning reference point?

anterior superior iliac spine

How far apart should the heel she placed in order to internally rotate the lower limbs for an AP pelvis

which best describes the female pelvis

the angle of the SI joints is ___ degrees relative to the midsaggital plane

How much should the leg be flexed for a lateral projection of the knee?

The leg is rotated slightly inward in order to place the knee and the lower leg in a true anterior-posterior position. The image receptor is centered on the central ray. For a lateral view, the patient is positioned on the affected side, with the knee flexed 20-30 degrees.

How far should the knee be flexed for the tangential projection Settegast method of the patella when done in the sitting position?

Position of part The knee is flexed 20-30 degrees. Ensure the patient's feet are out of the primary beam. Central ray The beam is directed cephalad and superior, 160 degrees from the vertical axis or 30 degrees from the horizontal axis. The X-rays pass inferior to superior through the patella.

Where is the IR centered for an AP projection of the knee?

Center the IR 1/2 inch (1.3 cm) below the apex of the patella and parallel to the long axis of the knee. Rotate the foot so that the heel-to-toe line is 45 degrees relative to the table laterally.

Where is the superior margin of the IR or collimated field placed for an AP projection of the proximal femur?

Where is the superior margin of the IR or collimated field placed for an AP projection of the proximal femur? Superior margin of IR is placed at level of ASIS.


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