Hogwarts mystery wer ist r

Hello everyone, welcome to our Walkthrough for Chapter Forty-Six of Year Six of Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery. During the previous chapter, you went to Ollivander’s to meet with Mundungus Fletcher and hear what he has to say. There, you learned that a Dark Witch was asking Ollivander about the specifications of your wand. Thankfully, he didn’t reveal any information to her, and you decided to investigate this Dark Witch. You went to Flourish and Blotts and found out that she was there as well, asking about the books Jacob and you were interested in. Luckily enough, Madam Villanelle didn’t tell her anything. Afterward, you visited the Hog’s Head Inn, where you found the Dark Witch sitting at one of the tables. You recognized her as the one you saw during ‘R’’s meeting, so you decided to eavesdrop on her. You learned that she was soon to meet with someone, and you assumed it’s the Hogwarts Mole. Later on, Mundungus found out that their meeting is supposed to take place in Knockturn Alley, so you went there with your Invisibility Cloak. Shortly after getting there, both the Dark Witch and the Hogwarts Mole arrived. You were shocked to find out that the mole is none other than Merula Snyde. Supposedly, she wants to join ‘R’ to obtain the power she deserves, and in order to do that, she promised the Dark Witch that she will convince you to join ‘R’ as well. Shortly after, the two of them apparated away, and you were left there standing, completely shocked. Now is the time to wrap Year 6 up and attend the End-of-Term feast. Proceed to the Great Hall when you are ready.

Once you arrive, you will notice that everyone is already there, eagerly waiting for the Headmaster’s announcement. You will spot a particular set of decorations that might give you a hint about the House Cup winners.

Shortly after you arrive, Professor Dumbledore will start his speech.

He will mention some major events that happened during the school year.

He’ll also be sure to mention some of the positive things that marked the year.

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Shortly after, the Headmaster will move on to the main event of the evening – the House Cup awarding ceremony.

He’ll start by naming the house in fourth place and the number of points they obtained.

Next will be the house in third place.

After that, Professor Dumbledore will name the house in second place.

And finally, the winners of the House Cup will be announced.

If your house managed to win the Cup, you and your housemates will cheerfully celebrate the victory.

On the other hand, some members of the other houses won’t be too happy about it.

The Headmaster will heartily congratulate the winning house.

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You will then be able to take a look at the Year 6 House Cup results.

If you managed to win the House Cup, you will be rewarded with 50 gems.

Not long after that, the feast will begin. The Headmaster will wish everyone happy holidays, and he will say a few words about the upcoming Hogwarts year.

You will get to enjoy some fireworks as the sixth year of your Hogwarts studies concludes.

With this, Chapter 46 of Year 6 will come to an end. Hit the Collect button to claim your rewards.

Now that certainly was quite a remarkable year. A lot has happened since the start of Year 6. You managed to break the Statue Curse and punish Rakepick for what she did to Rowan. You also made some new friends and your magical skills have vastly improved over the year. Unfortunately, you learned that Merula joined ‘R’ to grow more powerful. Furthermore, she is even planning to convince you to do the same. But why is she doing that? Is power everything she cares about? Could it be that she is trying to infiltrate ‘R’ as a double agent? Or is there some other reason you’re not aware of? You can find the answers to all of those questions and more in Year 7 of Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery!
Thank you for reading.

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Wer ist R in Harry Potter?

Deine Suche ergab 84 Treffer..

Wer ist der Verräter in Hogwarts Mystery?

Ben Copper
Biographische Information
Zwischen 1. September 1972 und 31. August 1973, Newcastle upon Tyne, Tyne and Wear, England, Vereinigtes Königreich
Ben Copper | Harry-Potter-Lexikon | Fandomharrypotter.fandom.com › wiki › Ben_Coppernull

Kann man Hogwarts Mystery durchspielen?

Alles in allem ist Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery kein schwieriges Spiel. Die ganzen Aufgaben und auch das Spiel kannst du in nur ein paar Tagen durchspielen. Um das jedoch zu vermeiden, benutzt das Spiel ein “Energie” System.

Kann man in Hogwarts Mystery eine Beziehung haben?

Wie der Hogwarts Mystery-Autor dem Magazin Polygon mitteilte, ist es im Spiel möglich, Liebesbeziehungen zu anderen Zauberern aufzubauen. Aber mit elf sei das etwas früh. Außerdem solltest du dich ja nicht allzu sehr vom magischen Unterricht ablenken lassen.


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