For what reason did New Netherland fail to attract as many colonists as the English colonies


Despite political disputes between the governments of New Netherland and the English colonies of New England, little interfered with trade and the commercial networks that developed between merchants in New Netherland and New England. Demonstrating a richer and more internationally diversified economic environment than has been previously portrayed, this article examines the sophisticated trading world New England merchants entered when they chose to conduct business with merchants from New Netherland, with its commercial and legal infrastructures that accommodated foreign merchants. As well, New England's nascent economies needed to facilitate commerce and they too encouraged and accommodated trade with the Dutch. For seventeenthcentury merchants in New Netherland and New England, intercolonial trade supplied necessary sustenance, expanded merchant networks, and presented opportunities for profit.

Journal Information

Sponsored by The McNeil Center for Early American Studies at the University of Pennsylvania, Early American Studies is a triannual journal dedicated to publishing original research on the histories and cultures of North America in the Atlantic world before 1850. Contributors and subscribers span the variety of disciplines concerned with early America, including history, art history, literary studies, religious studies, music, philosophy, and material culture studies, among others.

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The University of Pennsylvania Press exists to publish meritorious works that advance scholarly research and educational objectives. The chief task of the staff of the Press is to continue building a publishing program that is influential and innovative, a program that addresses the needs of scholars, teachers, students, professionals, and the broader community of readers.

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1. Have students read about how Dutch colonists in New Netherland affected the Native Americans who already lived there.
Explain to students that culture is a group’s way of life. The movement of different groups impacts the cultural landscapes of both the places they leave and the places they settle. The Dutch colonists impacted the lives of the Native Americans who were already settled in the Hudson River Valley. Project the website The Hudson: The River That Defined America. Click on “Dutch Settlement” and invite volunteers to read each paragraph aloud. Also have students read the information included in each of the clickable markers on the map. Ask:

  • How did the Dutch colonists and the Native Americas become dependent on one another? (The natives hunted and delivered fur pelts for the Dutch. They traded these for the tools, cloth, weapons, and alcohol the Dutch imported.)
  • How did the Dutch presence negatively affect the Native American population? (The settlers brought diseases to which the natives had no immunity. There were also armed conflicts between the Dutch and the Native Americans and between the different Native American groups, caused by uneven trade agreements with the Dutch.)

2. Introduce the terms cultural markers and cultural diffusion.
Explain to students that every region has unique characteristics, or cultural markers, that distinguish it from other places. The Dutch colonists impacted the cultural landscape of the Hudson River Valley in ways that include its ethnic makeup, spoken languages, religious institutions, traditions, architectural styles, and other cultural markers. Explain that cultural diffusion is the spread of elements from one culture to another. Ask: What elements of Dutch culture do you think are still part of American life today? Have students use the list of cultural markers from Dutch colonists to brainstorm ideas.

3. Show students the video segment “New Amsterdam, Diversity and Opportunity.”
Show students the video segment “New Amsterdam, Diversity and Opportunity.” Ask students to jot notes on the three terms and phrases used in the video to describe the culture of the Dutch colony. Ask:

  • What terms and phrases are used in the video to describe the culture of the Dutch colony in the 17th century? (multicultural, melting pot, middle class)
  • Which of those terms do you think describe American culture today? Explain.

Have students do a word association activity. Write multicultural, melting pot, and middle class on the board. Ask students to brainstorm words and phrases that describe a culture with those descriptors. Prompt them to include answers such as: opportunity, diversity, tolerance, and educated.

4. Introduce and show the video segment “Dutch Cultural Transition.”
Tell students that the Dutch colony became an English colony in 1664; however, approximately 90% of the Dutch settlers stayed and continued to affect the cultural landscape. Explain that the next video, “Dutch Cultural Transition,” is about that time. Ask students to write notes as they watch on the traits of Dutch culture they hear about. Ask:

  • What are some traits of Dutch culture that are highlighted? (landowners; women were equal to men and could inherit land, money, and businesses; religious tolerance; architecture; love of flowers and tulips; love of art and painting)
  • Which of those traits are part of American culture today? Explain.

Informal Assessment

Have students work independently to write definitions of terms cultural markers and cultural diffusion, and give examples of each from the 17th century and today.

Subjects & Disciplines

  • Geography
    • Human Geography
  • Social Studies
    • World History

Learning Objectives

Students will:

  • describe the influence of Dutch colonists on the Native American population
  • describe the culture of the Dutch colony in the 17th century
  • identify traits of Dutch culture that are part of American culture today

Teaching Approach

  • Learning-for-use

Teaching Methods

  • Discussions
  • Multimedia instruction
  • Reading
  • Visual instruction

Skills Summary

This activity targets the following skills:

  • Critical Thinking Skills
    • Analyzing
    • Understanding
  • Geographic Skills
    • Answering Geographic Questions

Connections to National Standards, Principles, and Practices

National Geography Standards

  • Standard 9:  The characteristics, distribution, and migration of human populations on Earth's surface

National Standards for History

  • U.S. History Era 2 (5-12) Standard 1:  Why the Americas attracted Europeans, why they brought enslaved Africans to their colonies, and how Europeans struggled for control of North America and the Caribbean
  • U.S. History Era 2 (5-12) Standard 2:  How political, religious, and social institutions emerged in the English colonies
  • World History Era 6 (5-12) Standard 4:  Economic, political, and cultural interrelations among peoples of Africa, Europe, and the Americas, 1500-1750

What You’ll Need

Materials You Provide

  • Paper
  • Pencils
  • Pens

Required Technology

  • Internet Access: Required
  • Tech Setup: 1 computer per classroom, Projector, Speakers
  • Plug-Ins: Flash

Physical Space

  • Classroom


  • Large-group instruction

Background Information

The heritage of the United States includes an influential 17th century Dutch colony. Dutch history in America is only now being rediscovered as historians translate thousands of documents from 17th century Dutch to English. What those documents reveal is that the diversity of the United States today has origins in a Dutch past.




people and land separated by distance or culture from the government that controls them.

cultural diffusion


the spread of cultural characteristics from one culture to another.

cultural landscape


human imprint on the physical environment.

cultural marker


unique characteristic of a community.


learned behavior of people, including their languages, belief systems, social structures, institutions, and material goods.






having to do with characteristics of a group of people linked by shared culture, language, national origin, or other marker.


  • The Hudson: The River That Defined America


  • WNET: Thirteen—Dutch New York: Rediscover 400 Years of History

  • Credits

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    Elspeth Leacock


    Sean P. O'Connor
    Christina Riska Simmons

    Educator Reviewer

    Jeanne Wallace-Weaver, Educational Consultant

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Why did New Netherland fail to attract as many colonists as the English colonies?

New Netherland failed to attract many Dutch colonists; by 1664, only nine thousand people were living there. Conflict with native peoples, as well as dissatisfaction with the Dutch West India Company's trading practices, made the Dutch outpost an undesirable place for many migrants.

Why did New France and New Netherlands struggle to attract colonists?

Why did New France and New Netherland struggle to attract colonists? French and Dutch people did not like the idea of moving to a land that one migrant put as "a cold and forbidding country at the end of the world." In New France, some state policies discouraged migration.

What caused the downfall of New Netherland?

End of an Era Corruption, the constant threat of war, ineptitude in governing, and a dysfunctional economic system were cause for the colony to fail. The West India Company was approaching bankruptcy, and colonists began to seek protection within colonial fortifications.

What issues did New Netherland have?

The colony of New Netherland had severe external problems. The population was too small and contentious, and the Company provided little military support. Stuyvesant was usually the loser. The most serious was the economic rivalry with England regarding trade.