During the 1920s, some scholars argued for a division of European races into Quizlet

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Origins in latter part of 19th century

the science of improving a human population by controlled breeding to increase the occurrence of desirable heritable characteristics. Developed largely by Francis Galton as a method of improving the human race, it fell into disfavor only after the perversion of its doctrines by the Nazis.

Francis Galton, 1870s & 1880 - introduced core ideas which would become the eugenics movement
Hereditary Genius, 1869
- Studied biographies of eminent men, assumed their success reflected natural abilities only. Noticed families often produced more than one eminent man, so he argued that the abilities behind eminence were heritable
- Argued that the most gifted were breeding less than the least gifted, and natural selection was not functioning properly

Positive eugenics: Encouraging breeding of the worthy
Negative eugenics: Discourage breeding of the unworthy

Ideas spread in the 20th century and they become popular ideas - spreads beyond europe
-> UK, USA, Canada, Japan
-> USA: Davenport sets up a lab to study heredity at Cold Spring Harbor. Key goal to study negative human traits and eliminate them. Believed most traits were hereditary, even criminal behaviour, poverty, etc
-> Speeches, publishing books
-> Societies founded, focusing on public education and political activism
-> Sterilization bills (restrict breeding of unfit, impact on poor) Fitter families/Perfect Baby. immigration laws limiting immigration by others 1906-1910, exclude mentally defective
Justified their movement stating that they drew from roots of science

IQ: Goddard & Yerkes

Race: Davenport & Goddard believed eugenics should also involve race -> ethnic groups as racial subtypes with typical physical traits, moral and social traits, and different inherent worth
-> Inferior races were a eugenic threat, increasing in proportion to US population due to rapid breeding and immigration

Outside Germany, movements began to weaken in 30s.
Research shows that MI is not a simple heritable trait
E becomes associated with NG and discredited
Sterilization laws repealed after 40s. Alberta an exception.
Race based immigration restrictions not lifted until 60s.

Immigration acts passed 1906-1910 excluding mentally & physically defective of all races
-> Alberta 1928 and BC 1933 pass sterilization laws: affected people of all races but not equally. Targeted EE and Aboriginal heritage. Only abandoned in 1972
-> Canadian National Committee on Mental Hygiene, 1918: investigate role of unfit in crime, poverty & unemployment



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Terms in this set (175)

Legitimacy to rule may be reinforced in which of the following ways?

All the above

In the United States, the fact that most divorced parents share time and financial responsibilities somewhat equally for their children reflects the practice of?

Bilateral Descent

Each of the four types of Socio-cultural integration can be identified as?

Egalitarian, ranked, or stratified

negative reinforcements include


Some cultures recognize descent in a family lineage only on the father's side (or in the paternal line). This form of descent is referred to as


The term anthropologists use for a marriage between one man and multiple wives is


In traditional Chinese society, which kinds of terms did siblings use to refer to one another?

The terms identified siblings by gender and whether they were older or younger

Matrilineal descent refers to the recognition of descent through

The mothers line only

The four levels of socio-cultural integration characterized by Elman Service are

Band, tribe, Cheifdom, and state

The ability to induce or cause the behavior of others to change due to a social or political position is called


The family in which a person is raised is their family of __________, while the family they may create by marrying and raising children is their family of _________

Orientation, procreation

What is the role of the peasant in the formation of state societies?

Peasant farmers were circumscribed geographically (unable to move elsewhere) when an elite minority arose to control their labor and means of subsistence

The ability to induce behavior of others in specified ways by means of coercion or use or threat of physical force is called


A gift given by a bride's family to either the bride or to the groom's family at the time of the marriage is referred to as (a)


ISIS has a characteristics of a

Constitutive State

Informal disputes in band societies may involve

Ridicule and meditation

In Slavonia, where the chapter author (Gilliland) conducted research, agricultural households

were very large, up to 100 members who had specializations such as sewing or caring for horses

All of the following describe the Big Man of New Guinea, EXCEPT

He has the power to coerce others

Adoption in some Pacific Island societies is

a way to honor relatives and create two nurturing sets of parents

All of the following are true about matrilineages, EXCEPT

they are also matriarchal, that is, women have more power than men

Short-term uses of physical force that are organized to achieve a limited objective such as the acquisition of cattle, wealth, or abduction of women are called


Chapter author McDowell argues that ISIS already demonstrates all of the following aspects, EXCEPT

A secular government

In Taiwan in the 1950s, anthropologist Margery Wolf described an unusual form of adoption, in which

mothers gave up their daughters as infants, only to take in an adopted daughter from someone else in order to cultivate them as daughters-in-law for their sons

After marriage in Dobu, Papua New Guinea, couples would practice bilocal residence, meaning they would

alternate years living in the husband's village and in the wife's village

Which type of property exchange demonstrates a higher value placed on women and their ability to work and produce children?


What does the chapter author, García, say sparked his interest in cultural anthropology?

A lifetime of other people's questions and assumptions about his racial and ethnic background

The anthropological term for a trait that is inherited independently, and not bundled together with other traits, is

Non concordant

The process by which an inaccurate concept or idea is so heavily promoted and circulated by people that it becomes an unquestioned "truth" is called


The greatest genetic diversity is between

"blacks" and other "blacks" on the same continent

The institution of slavery in the U.S. helped define race through a rule which stated that any trace of known non-European ("non-white") ancestry was used to automatically exclude a person from being classified as "white" (and therefore be born into slave status). This rule was called

the one-drop rule

All of the following are examples of symbolic ethnicity EXCEPT

weekly visits to a Buddhist temple

Scholars who create localized, regional racial classification schemes which attempt to be more "precise" are known as


A socially constructed racial classification system in which a person of mixed racial heritage is automatically categorized as a member of the less (or least) privileged group is called


One of the differences between the U.S. and Brazilian systems of "racial" classification is that

in Brazil, an increase or decrease in social status may change people's perception of an individual's "type" (tipo), while in the U.S. a change in social status does not influence the perception of race

Policies that forbid inter-racial or inter-ethnic marriage are essentially trying to prevent the natural hybridization of peoples. This hybridization is called


Which early natural scientist divided the human species into four "races": Americanus, Europaeus, Asiaticus, and Africanus?

Carolus Linnaeus

Which vitamin, important for healthy bone growth, does sunlight help produce?

Vitamin D

What was the major criticism of the early 20th century "three-race" theory that divided the world's peoples into the categories of Caucasoid, Mongoloid, and Negroid?

Many peoples of the world were omitted from the racial groups with no clear way of including them in one group or another

It has been argued that "black" athletes are naturally gifted runners and jumpers due to benefits passed down from their enslaved ancestors. What does the evidence say about this claim?

If we look at other sports, such as the high jump, one can see that "white" athletes from U.S. and Western Europe dominate; it is clearly cultural and social supports that create excellence in groups of people, not genetics.

The reason that the human species exhibits a very low level of genetic variation is due to

the fact that Homo sapiens is a relatively recent species

The process by which social, economic, and political forces determine the content and importance of racial categories is referred to as

racial formation

Skin color in humans is represented in geography by a cline, or clinal pattern. The skin color cline means that

a certain skin color may be more common in one region than another, but the variation is gradual and continuous

Among people who self-identify as "white," one aspect of their lives tends to influence their experience of society and the advantages conferred, more than other aspects. This important feature is

socio-economic status (social class)

What are the harmful effects of exposure to high levels of ultraviolet radiation, especially for people with light skin pigment?

All of the answer choices are correct

While most of the human population is lactose intolerant, some people can naturally digest milk and dairy products. This lactose persistence in some people is a result of

their ancestors' history of dairy farming

Melanin (the skin's pigment) acts as a natural sunblock, thereby

protecting the skin from breakdown of folate

Which of the following immigrant groups were targeted in the 19th and early 20th century as inferior to "whites" (the U.S.'s mainstream Anglo Protestant society)?

All of the answer choices are correct

Which of the following social supports leads to the development of athletes who excel in a particular sport?

All of the answer choices are correct

When anthropologists say "race is not real," what they mean more accurately is that

race is not an accurate way to describe any biological differences in the human species, but ideas about race are real in social and cultural ways

In environments where the sun's rays are much less intense, what problem does the human body face, especially in terms of natural selection?

Not enough sunlight penetrates the skin to enable Vitamin D production

The old stereotypes of primates as living in male-centered, male-dominated groups came from 1960's research on

baboon groups led by males, established by force, who provided internal and external defense of the "troop"

Which types of societies throughout time have had the strictest controls over marriage, in order to reproduce the existing social structure?

Stratified non-egalitarian societies

How did 19th and mid-20th century belief systems in the United States classify gender and sexuality?

All of the answer choices are correct

In the field of anthropology, what statement best describes the relative positions of male and female professors?

While women hold positions of power and authority in the field, discrepancies remain among rank, salary, and publication rates

People who identify as hijras from India are

people who identify with a third gender role in society, often assigned male at birth or intersex

The social-cultural process that creates kinship-based relationships of rights and obligations between members of a family is referred to as


All of the following are true about gender cross culturally EXCEPT

gender is always binary or dualistic, consisting of males and females

Cross-culturally and historically, marriages based on free choice and romantic love are

relatively unusual and recent

Complex belief systems often developed by those in power to rationalize, explain, and perpetuate systems of inequality are referred to as

legitimizing ideologies

Parenthood and other kinship roles and relationships are rooted in

all of the answer choices are correct

The types of societies most likely to recognize women's economic and reproductive contributions, as well as be more egalitarian in terms of gender relations, are

foraging and horticultural societies

In the U.S., the idea of a "legitimate" or "illegitimate" child refers to whether

the child was a result of a legally recognized relationship that entitled offspring to certain rights, including inheritance

A person whose gender identity does not match their assigned sex at birth, such as a person assigned female at birth who identifies as a man, may self-identify in a binary way as


All of the following were used as evidence for what the authors call the "creation story" of universal male dominance in our human ancestors, EXCEPT

women were able to join men on the hunt when necessary

In the 1930s, anthropologist Ruth Landes argued that Afro-Brazilian Candomblé religious communities were matriarchal because

their leadership was made up of and controlled by women

A set of culturally invented expectations leading to a role that a person assumes, learns, and performs, describes

gender roles

A two spirit person of the Zuni Pueblo represents

a third gender role that is "not man" and "not woman"

"Honor killings," such as those committed by conservative Muslims in Pakistan, are a tragic consequence of

a family who believes that a female member of their household has shamed them through her sexuality

The term cisgender refers to

a person whose assigned sex at birth matches their gender identity, such as a personal assigned female at birth who identifies as a woman

What do the authors argue is "natural" (that is, not culturally determined) about the family?

A biological mother and biological father

A social contract between (most often) two individuals and potentially their families that specifies rights and obligations of their union and their offspring is how anthropologists think of


The title of the ethnography, Chopsticks Work Only In Pairs (1999), reflects the Lahu society's emphasis on

the importance of the male-female dyad, or partnership, in domestic life, work, and leadership

In the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign, candidate Hillary Clinton was described as 'ambitious, goal-focused, strategic, "wanting" the presidency.' In her case, these descriptors were used to

criticize her as seeming "power-hungry" as though women are not legitimately supposed to pursue or hold power

A male-dominated political and authority structure and an ideology that privileges males over females overall is called


How do foraging societies accommodate any potential conflict between women's work and their pregnancies/childbirth?

All of the answer choices are correct

Which theorist proposed that religious beliefs provide rules or restrictions that suppress humans' worst instincts?

Sigmund Freud

Which of the following is a summary of the traditional Navajo cosmology?

The world has fourteen levels, or "platters," that were created from the lowest level to the top, where humans emerged

The means by which human society and culture is extended to include the nonhuman is an anthropological definition of


The concept of mana, an impersonal supernatural force containing power, is an example of


In Hinduism, the atman is the supernatural or spiritual element that coexists within a person's natural body. This concept is most similar to the Christian concept of

the soul

Anthropologist Scott Hutson (2000) describes similarities between the altered states of consciousness and "self-forgetting" of shamans and a similar experience of participants of

"rave" dance parties

Anthropologists refer to full-time religious practitioners as


In the anthropological study of religion, a revitalization ritual is

an attempt to resolve serious problems, such as war, famine, or poverty, through a supernatural intervention

Why does an early human burial with stone tools, shells, animal bones, and other objects suggest a belief in the supernatural?

It seems to show they were preparing their dead for what might be needed in an afterlife

One of the most common characteristics of ancestor spirits across religious belief systems is that they

are needy, and must be cared for properly or they can negatively affect the lives of the living

The first theoretical ideas connecting religion to a set of practices and social institutions that bring a community together are connected to the writings of

Emile Durkheim

In calling religion "the opium of the people," Karl Marx meant that religion

was an ideology that dulls people into accepting their low economic and social status by promising acceptance into Heaven through obedience

The Nagol land diving ceremony is a dangerous ritual that is meant to create a sense of communitas or unity. Therefore, it can be described as a

rite of intensification

What are some of the forms of evidence that indicate early ideas about religion?

All of the answer choices are correct

In the Chukchi community of northern Russia, a shaman may be called to this role due to their

"abnormal" personality traits, such as nervousness, anxiety, or moodiness

According to the chapter, there are currently about as many people in the world who consider themselves religiously "unaffiliated" as there are

Roman Catholics

Which of the following practices would be considered a ritual, as the chapter defines it?

Praying towards Mecca five times a day

Marvin Harris argues that religious beliefs developed in India to prohibit killing cows because

cows were more valuable alive than as meat, due to their role in farming and subsistence

The term shaman is used to refer specifically to a/an

part-time religious practitioner

In the study of religion, a cosmology may be defined as

an explanation for the origin or history of the world

Religions that worship a single supreme God are called __________, while those that worship multiple gods are called __________.

monotheistic, polytheistic

A person who claims to have direct communication with the supernatural realm and who can communicate supernatural messages to others is called a


Practices intended to bring supernatural forces under one's personal control are referred to as


In Buddhism, the form of a human's reincarnation depends on

the quality of the karma that a person has developed over their life

Why is the study of religious beliefs challenging for anthropologists?

All of the answer choices are correct

The political, social, economic, and cultural domination of a territory and its people by a foreign power for an extended period of time is referred to as


The feeling of ease in one's own body in familiar social settings (based on social class) can be described by the term


The study of the experiences of people who live in cities and the relationships of city life to broader social, political, and economic contexts, is called

Urban Anthropology

The creative, reflexive, and sometimes even ironic ways that people perform their various social identities can be referred to as their


The combination of different beliefs - even those that seem contradictory - into a new, harmonious whole is called


The adaptation of global ideas into locally palatable forms is referred to as


At the turn of the 20th century, the landowning elite began to lose control in Latin America when

impoverished Latin American peasants migrated from the countryside into the cities and European immigrants arrived

What are some of the problems that have resulted for quinoa farmers of Bolivia now that quinoa is a valued commodity in the global market?


All of the answer choices are correct

What kinds of goods and ideas flow across national boundaries, as identified by Appadurai's idea of "scapes?"

All of the answer choices are correct

After Latin American countries declared independence from Spain, what relationship functioned as the primary political mechanism?


A study focusing on the extraction of water from land in Fiji by a North American company that sells the water and gains its profits in the U.S. is best situated primarily within the


What do the chapter authors argue is the distinguishing feature of globalizat

the rapid speed of global interactions

A study focusing on the spread of religious doctrine by missionaries would be interested primarily in the


Globalization within a consumerist economy enables individuals

all of the answer choices are correct

When a country accepts a loan from the IMF or World Bank, the loan also comes with a number of mandatory conditions that the country must meet. Often, these conditions include

all of the answer choices are correct

The intensification of globalization has led many to use others as scapegoats, in an attempt to reassert their own values and way of life. These efforts are often referred to as __________ by social scientists.


The world's eight richest men now control as much wealth as the bottom __________ of the entire world's population.


Based on evidence from anthropological studies, which of the following results is most likely to come from the introduction of modern goods into traditional communities?


The community incorporates new things into their pre-existing practices without completely trading old ideas for new ones

During the height of the European colonial period, European nations ruled more than ________ of the world.



After one man traveled to the US from Liberia with the Ebola virus in 2014, many Americans debated whether full travel bans should be instituted to and from countries with confirmed cases of Ebola. This is not only an example of how globalization can potentially create a public health disaster, but also highlights which social aspect of intensified globalization?


Xenophobic attitudes and racial prejudice

How does the Afro-Brazilian religion, Candomblé, show religious syncretism?

traditional gods of Candomblé, the orixás, are combined with Catholic divine beings, such as saints

"The intensification of worldwide social relations which link distant localities in such a way that local happenings are shaped by events occurring many miles away and vice versa" is the definition of



In the salsa dance world, which of the following best describes the coming together of people at salsa dance "congresses" and festivals?


Dancers from all over the world convene and, even though they may not speak the same languages or share local styles, they can dance together

Programs like the Peace Corps or medical professionals coming to the aid of Haitians after the 7.0 earthquake in 2010 is an example of


an advantage of the intensification of globalization

The multi-faceted political and economic philosophy that emphasizes privatization and unregulated markets is


In 1609, the Jamestown wells are polluted with the poisonous heavy metal _________


In 1609, __________ was president of the colony.
You Answered

George Percy

__________ lead the team that excavated the human remains in Structure

Jamie May

When __________ took over leadership of the colony, he was so despised by the upper class members of the settlement for being "vainglorious, unworthy, and ambitious" an attempt was made on his life and he fled to England.

John Smith

__________, forensic researcher at the Smithsonian Institution created a 3D model to reconstruct Jane's face.

Stephen Rouse

Of the first 104 settlers who come to Jamestown, all men, only __________ survive the first seven months.


More than __________ artifacts have been recovered from Structure 191.


Forensic anthropologist __________ from the Smithsonian Institution analyzed the remains of the Jamestown girl and determined she was approximately 14 years old.

Douglas Owsley

__________ is the Director of Archaeological Research at Jamestown.

William Kelso

By 1609, there are 130 colonists living in Jamestown, including __________ women.


The Japanese military attacked Pearl Harbor on (full date) __________.


December 7, 1941

Thanks to higher wages, a large number of __________ left their community jobs in favor of work at the internment camps, fueling rumors and resentments towards the Japanese-American prisoners.


In February 1942, President Franklin Roosevelt signed __________, authorizing the military to designate areas from which certain people could be excluded.

Executive Order 9066

The first wave of Japanese immigrants settled in California, Oregon, Washington and Hawaii in the late __________ century.


More than __________ Hawaiian men of Japanese descent volunteered for the army.


Japanese-American families were so terrified of being accused of __________ that many burned all of their family possessions.


Japanese-American interments victims didn't receive, recognition, compensation, or a formal apology until the 1988 __________ Act.

Civil Liberties

Before internment, more than __________% of the adults sent to the Arkansas internment camps worked in farming.


Arkansas governor __________ feared a Japanese-American presence would upset the state's rigidly efficient system of segregation.

Homer Adkins

There were __________ federal indictments of a Japanese-American in either the mainland United States or Hawaii.


According to ___________, the AAFH Liaison Officer, girls in the Ethiopian countryside will begin carry water jars by age two.

Ruth Kennedy

Doctors at the AAFH are able to close a patient's fistula in about __________% of cases.


Dr. __________ performed a double fistula surgery on Almaz to repair her vagina and bladder.


Haile aytenfishu

__________, when a girl is unable to deliver, often due to the size of her pelvis, is the most common cause of fistula.

Obstructed labor

Doctors at the AAFH use a __________ test to ensure the fistula hole is completely closed.


According to the doctors at the AAFH, the average labor last approximately __________ hours, but fistula patients often experience prolonged labor of up to 10 days.


__________ is the co-founder of the Addis Adaba Fistula Hospital.

Catherine Hamlin

There are (number) __________ gynecologists and obstetricians in Ethiopia.


Staff at the AAFH often include __________ as well as surgery in their treatment of fistula patients.


According to the doctors at the AAFH, in approximately __________% of all labors women will need help to deliver.



Following the Buddha's death, his cremated remains were divided among the eight Buddhist kings, including the __________ family, the Buddha's clan.


____________________ in Northern India, revered as Buddhism's holiest site, is where the Buddha attained enlightenment more than 2,400 years ago.

Bodh Gaya

India's British Colonial government gifted the cremated remains from the Piprahwa stupa to ____________________ of Siam.

Rama the 5th
Rama V

Once a brutal and blood-thirsty emperor, ____________________ converted to Buddhism and became a principled and moral ruler who's Buddhist empire threatened the power of the Hindu priests.


Archaeologist __________ excavated the earliest burial level of the Pripahwa stupa in the early 1970's.

K S Srivastava

Professor ____________________, the world's leading authority on ancient Indian languages, confirmed that the inscription Peppe's reliquary urn is authentic and a dialect unique to ancient Northern India.

Harry Falk

The earliest burial level of the Pripahwa stupa was made up of two small chambers, each with a __________ casket and some broken redware dishes, likely from the time of the Buddha himself.


The striking and elaborate ____________________ stupa is the only surviving monument from the short lived Buddhist Indian Empire.


Purported archaeological expert ____________________ turned out to be a fraud who had had sold bogus Buddha relics, falsified numerous reports and had faked at least one ancient inscription.


Anton Fuhrer

District officer and antiquarian __________ first transcribed the Priprahwa urn inscription.

Vincent Smith

Political activist __________ formed the Sleepy Lagoon Defense Committee.

Alice McGrath

According to historians such as George Sanchez and __________, Mexican-American teenagers in the 1940's were distancing themselves from their traditional, conservative culture and embracing all things jazz oriented.

Eduardo Pagan

Police Chief __________ was the lead investigator on the Sleepy Lagoon murder case.

Clem Peoples

Though officially still unsolved, the Sleepy Lagoon murder was probably committed by __________, who had been shielded by his sister's refusal to testify.
You Answered

Louie Encinas

__________ was the prime suspect in the Sleepy Lagoon Murder.

Hank Leyvas

At the time of the zoot suit riots, there were approximately __________ sailors stationed in Los Angeles.


Within 48 hours of the Sleepy Lagoon murder, __________ Mexican-Americans were picked up in a police dragnet.

Six hundred

Mexican-Americans as young as __________ years old were picked up in the Sleepy Lagoon Murder dragnet.


Following a guilty verdict, the Sleepy Lagoon defendants were sent to __________ prison.

San Quentin

The Sleepy Lagoon Defense Committee boasted the star power of Hollywood celebrities such as Orson Wells, Rita Hayworth, and __________.

Anthony Quinn

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