Compared to previous generations, a recent norm has emerged favoring ______ parenting.

Sexuality is Socially Constructed

Labels are recent and ever-changing based on society -Ex. Heterosexual, gay, lesbian, bisexual, asexual

Beyond looking at differences in mean scores, researchers also compare the ______ for each sex to examine sex differences in cognitive abilities.

3. The capacity to understand the minds of others and to know what they are thinking describes the ______ aspects of empathy. a. emotional

For which of the following groups is the gender wage gap the largest in the United States?

. Greater prevalence of ______ traits among adolescent boys may help explain their increased tendencies toward antisocial disorders.

According to sex ratio theory, which of the following is an outcome of women outnumbering men?

7. The ______ is/are the sex organ(s) responsible for producing sex cells and hormones.

In the ______ phase, many sexual minority individuals increase their involvement in an LGBTQ

The more that ______ contributes to a given cause of death, the larger the sex differences in rates of death from that cause tend to be.

s(are) a defining feature of stereotypin

Which of the following is FALSE regarding common beliefs about sex differences?

Cultures characterized by ______ tend to contain higher frequencies of sex-based harassment.

13. Which group of disorders is characterized by blaming and punishing the self?

Traits that society says women and men should exhibit are called gender ______, while traits that society disapproves of in women and men are called gender ______.

15. Examples of cognitive abilities include all of the following EXCEPT:

Which of the following is FALSE of stereotypes about transgender people?

TermStudies providing heritability estimates for gender identity suggest that ____

When selecting mates, women report ______ as more important than men do, while men report _______ as more important than women do.

Women and girls are disproportionately affected by ______, which has profound consequences for mental health.

For transgender individuals there exists ______

____ power manifests by shaping how society operates in determining which groups of people have access to resources.

Which of the following groups is MOST likely to be targeted with benevolent sexism?

Baumeister (2000) found what kind of sex differences in sexual fluidity?

s one proposed environmental factor that may partly explain women’s higher math anxiety relative to men.

Which of the following biases most directly may make it more difficult for women in the workplace to support one another?

26. Prenatal exposure to testosterone affecting which part of the brain would help the most in explaining sex differences in externalizing disorders?

People tend to stereotype feminists as ___

28. Which of the following traits is associated with better adjustment to illness?

The finding that same-sex sexual activity between primate friend pairs increases likelihood of friends assisting and defending each other is consistent with which theory?

An initial test of objectification theory found that doing what prompted feelings of body shame among women but not men?

People who identify as ______ experience romantic or sexual attractions to people of all sexes and gender identities.

32. ______ focuses on the role of rumination in explaining sex differences in internalizing disorde

Which of the following descriptors does NOT necessarily apply to the term “privilege”?

ach of the following is TRUE of the relationship between sexual health and physical health EXCEPT:

Compared to non-parents, parents report higher levels of ______.

36. Which area of verbal ability is an exception to the typical female advantage

Research showing that women’s income has no bearing on the proportion of housework they do most directly contradicts ______.

While on average women are rated more highly than men on traits such as ______, men are rated more highly on ______.

Which of the following is typically the first step in the scientific method?

TermCompared to previous generations, a recent norm has emerged favoring ______ parenting.

The ______ perspective argues that men’s and women’s friendships both allow for intimacy but via different social dynamics.

42. Women are MORE likely than men to report initiating cross-sex friendships for what reason?

Which of the following theories suggests that men and women are genetically disposed toward displaying different personality traits?

44. Which of the following is NOT crucial to making causal inferences from a study?

According to research on the allies of disadvantaged groups, you might expect each of the following to be TRUE of a vocal, male proponent of gender equality EXCEPT:

The medicalization of which of the following MOST directly contributes to views of women’s bodies as being regularly sick?

Men are more likely than women to do each of the following EXCEPT:

48. ______ refer(s) to instances when having a fulfilling, rewarding job produces positive spillover into the home and having a satisfying home life causes positive spillover into work.

For which of the following types of violent crimes are women MORE likely than men to be victims?

Using the term “sex” to refer to biological differences between men and women and the term “gender” to refer to the culturally constructed differences is problematic for which of the following reasons?

Women’s same-sex friendships involve higher levels of ______, while men’s same-sex friendships tend to involve higher levels of ______.

Pushes toward qualitative methods in psychology have gained momentum for each of the following reasons EXCEPT

53. Because Islam strictly prohibit same-sex sexuality, some Muslim sexual minority individuals undergo

54. Which of the following shows moderate to large sex differences favoring males

re DNA sequences at the ends of chromosome strands that protect genetic data and allow for cells to divide.

Which type of cues tend to elicit larger stereotype threat effects?

The function of ______ in mammals is to ensure that vulnerable, highly dependent human infants receive caregiving during crucial stages of development.

According to the gender self-socialization model, what type of person would be MOST likely to develop gendered self-views?

Which is FALSE regarding the role sex and gender have played in historically shaping societies?

Sex and gender are ______ or mental frameworks through which people process their social worlds.

Each of the following contribute to a substantial portion of the life expectancy gap between White men and Black men EXCEPT:

Differences in ______ encourage(s) the expression of different emotions for boys and girls at a young age.

The qualitative method in which researchers conduct an in-depth investigation of a single entity,

64. Henley (1995) found Black women in the United States tend to use more ______ language than White women.

Which of the following positively correlates with national levels of male-to-female sexual violence?

Relative to boys, sexual minority girls generally _______.

67. Which of the following mental illnesses is associated with the highest mortality rate?

Sex differences, favoring males in self-report data, exist for each of the following EXCEPT:

The idea that differences in socialization lead boys and girls to develop different communication styles is represented by ______.

Analyses indicate that the language use by reporters when describing domestic violence may unknowingly have what effect?

What type of chromosome contains genes that code for attributes such as eye color, hair color, and height

According to Social Dominance Theory, group-based social hierarchies emerge from ______.

According to Quinn and colleagues (2002), what is the first social category infants recognize?

Frazer and Miller’s (2008) study found that newspapers were more likely to use ______ when describing partner violence perpetrated by males than by females.

Which of the following trends likely contributed to a decrease in the gender longevity gap over the past few decad

The complex series of processes that unfolds as embryos transition into an individual with male, female, or intersex genitalia is called ___

77. Which of the following findings does NOT provide direct support for the Whorfian hypothesis?

78. Which of the following theories focuses on prenatal exposure to testosterone and estradiol?

When psychologists report discovering sex differences on some variable (e.g., optimism), what do they typically mean?

According to the myth of the matriarchy ______.

Which of the following sex hormones is associated with suppressing the body’s immune system?

Which of the following is an example of stereotype threat?

83. Examining males’ and females’ interests within different STEM sub-disciplines reveals what pattern

The typically higher levels of estrogen in women, rather than in men, are associated with all of the following health benefits EXCEPT:

Which of the following would be LEAST likely to strongly identify with a sexual orientation? Someone who is ______.

__ posit(s) that belonging to a stigmatized group creates unique stressors, such as harassment, abuse, and employment discrimination, that combine to increase minority individuals’ vulnerability to all types of health problems regardless of their socioeconomic status.

87. Cross-cultural research reveals that passionate love toward a specific mating partner is

Rhoda Unger (1979) argued for using “sex” to refer to the ______ aspects of being female or male while “gender” should be used when discussing the ______ aspects.

Boys are MORE likely to experience ______ from their parents, which in turn predicts aggressive behavior and delinquency in youth.

Researchers examining the extent that teachers’ attitudes influence children’s math attitudes found all of the following EXCEPT:

91. This category of sex-based harassment involves negative speech or behaviors and often takes place between two individuals of equal status.

Research shows that ______ is an effective strategy for increasing tendencies to view people as unique individuals, as similar to ourselves, and to like them.

A test asking participants to generate as many words as possible that fit in a given category (e.g., birds) would be an example of a measure of ______.

Which of the following do sex binaries NOT accomplish?

Which of the following theories is dependent upon the assumption that occupying multiple social roles buffers against distress?

Some sexual minority individuals decide following the ______ phase to enter a coming out phase in which they publicly labeled themselves and discuss their identities with others

In the ______ phase some sexual minority individuals experience identity uncertainty, during which their sexual orientation remains unclear.

The literature examining gender discrimination in STEM has found each of the following EXCEPT:

Researchers manipulating the salience of sex as a grouping dimension in children’s classrooms have found that increasing the salience of sex leads to all of the following EXCEPT:

Which of the following types of aggression does research consistently show is committed more frequently by men?

Which of the following types of aggression shows the most consistent and largest gender difference?

Of the various behavioral differences between males and females, physical aggression is one of the largest. Regardless of gender, children's physical aggressiveness peaks between two and four years of age but then starts diverging, as girls learn more quickly than boys to suppress such overt behaviors.

What is the relationship between schooling and gender stereotypical behavior?

What is the relationship between schooling and gender-stereotypical behavior? Schools reinforce the gender stereotyping that children bring with them to school. the perception that math is a male domain. face the danger of sexual harassment for their atypical behavior.

Which of the following describes the trajectory of the percentage of children in the US who live in a family with two married parents in their first marriage?

Which of the following describes the trajectory of the percentage of children in the US who live in a family with two married parents in their first marriage? The percentage has decreased from around 75-50%. What best describes the trajectory of marital satisfaction as a function of having children?

Which of the following is a core assumption of the Transdiagnostic approach?

Its core assumption is that dynamically interacting symptoms constitute the disorder.


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