Chasing cars bedeutung

Der Songtext von Chasing Cars handelt davon, eine Beziehung oder einen Moment in der Zeit einzufrieren und die Welt um sich herum zu vergessen. Der Sänger stellt die Frage, ob der andere dazu bereit sei, sich einfach nur hinzulegen und die Zeit anzuhalten. Er schlägt vor, die Zeit zu verschwenden, indem man Dinge im Leben tut, die einem wichtig sind, und fordert von sich selbst, seine eigene Größe zu erkennen, um innere Kraft zu finden. Er sagt, dass er nicht weiß, wohin er geht, aber dass einige Dinge sich niemals ändern werden.

War die Erklärung hilfreich?

Wenn ich hier liegen würde,

Wenn ich einfach nur hier liegen würde,

Würdest du bei mir liegen und einfach die Welt vergessen?

Would you lie with me and just forget the world?

Aber sie reichen nicht aus

Wenn ich hier liegen würde,

Wenn ich einfach nur hier liegen würde,

Würdest du bei mir liegen und einfach die Welt vergessen?

Would you lie with me and just forget the world?

Vergiss was uns gesagt wurde

Bevor wir zu alt dafür werden

Zeige mir einen Garten in dem das Leben erblüht

Show me a garden that's bursting into life

Lass uns Zeit verschwenden,

Wie ich meine eigene finde

Wenn ich hier liegen würde,

Wenn ich einfach nur hier liegen würde,

Würdest du bei mir liegen und einfach die Welt vergessen?

Would you lie with me and just forget the world?

Vergiss was uns gesagt wurde

Bevor wir zu alt dafür werden

Zeige mir einen Garten in dem das Leben erblüht

Show me a garden that's bursting into life

Ist hier in deinen perfekten Augen, sie sind alles was ich sehen kann

Is here in your perfect eyes, they're all I can see

Bin auch verwirrt über das "Wie",

Confused about how as well

Ich weiß nur, dass sich für uns nie etwas ändern wird

Just know that these things will never change for us at all

Wenn ich hier liegen würde,

Wenn ich einfach nur hier liegen würde,

Würdest du bei mir liegen und einfach die Welt vergessen?

Would you lie with me and just forget the world?

Writer(s): Paul Wilson, Gary Lightbody, Jonathan Quinn, Nathan Connolly, Thomas Simpson
Lyrics powered by

Mick Schumacher: Erinnerung an Papa Michael

System Of A Down: Serj Tankian wollte nicht mehr Teil der Band sein

Snow Patrol - Chasing Cars

The best true feeling ever....
"We'll do it all
On your own..
My first boyfriend, my first kiss, my first love...crazy love. When I was young he was the only one I had in mind all the time. He was the one made me feel alive. I had other loves, other boyfriend, but never like him.
I decide that I wanted to meet someone who made feel just like him...alive
That's when I met my husband, I love him more than anything else.
My first love died one month after we got married in a terrible helicopter accident.
"I don't quite know
How to say
How I feel"
I've been married for almost nine great years, have 2 beautiful children and a wonderful husband. Even though I keep dreaming with my first boyfriend.
"If I lay here
If I just lay here
Would you lie with me
And just forget the world"
Since I met my husband, there has been a bad guy blackmailed him, completely madness, so we have a strong relationship, my reality has been rough, not easy in all these years
Even though for me it's perfect just being with my husband and kids, I have to deal with a cruel reality every day.
"I need your grace
To remind me
To find my own"
I never got the chance to tell my first boyfriend that I love him more than he thought, I'd wish I didn't did stupid things.
But his reminder of what we had, make me love my life just at it is.
I know he is in a good place, so I have say thank you for show me the garden that's bursting into life.
Love you Tato, thank you for being my angel in my life, we'll keep in touch every night, when you are around my dreams, and we'll cherish life just how you would wanted to.
Life it's not easy, but it's beautiful all the feeling we have inside of us, that's what we are gonna get when we died!

The phrase "Chasing Cars" came from Gary Lightbody's father, in reference to a girl Lightbody was infatuated with, "You're like a dog chasing a car. You'll never catch it and you wouldn't know what to do with it if you did."

Let's waste time
Chasing cars
Around our heads

I need your grace
to remind me
to find my own

If I lay here
If I just lay here
Would you lie with me and just forget the world?

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If you're trying to get with someone way above your level of way way way way way above your level of attractiveness.

A.) You'll never catch one.
B.) You wouldn't know what to do with one if you caught it, which you won't.

Just let her go, bro.
Let her go

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to state when one of your friends is scoping some hot talent, but doesnt have a clue

eg "no-one knows why hes chasing it, and he wouldnt have a clue what to do with it if he caught it"

dude, i was cheking that one ver there, whoa.. id spank that til september!

seriously, man... dogs chasing cars

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