Aktivieren von disk4s2 ist fehlgeschlagen com Apple diskmanagement disenter Fehler

When your Macintosh HD (disk0s2) cannot be mounted in Disk Utility, it means that there is something wrong somewhere and your Mac won’t turn on. Several Mac users who have upgraded to macOS Big Sur have complained of getting the com.apple.DiskManagement.disenter error -119930868 when mounting their hard drives. Not being able to mount their drives means not being able to access that drive. This poses a huge issue especially for those who decided to install macOS on that drive.

com.apple.DiskManagement.disenter error -119930868 is not a new error because Mac users have also encountered this in earlier versions of macOS. However, the occurrence of this error this time means that it is related to the recent upgrade to macOS Big Sur.

What causes the com.apple.DiskManagement.disenter error -119930868 and how do you successfully mount your drive without getting this error? If you’re wondering about these questions, then read on to find out more.

What is Com.apple.DiskManagement.disenter Error -119930868?

When you connect an external hard drive on your Mac, it usually shows up on the Desktop, Finder, and Disk Utility. But there are times when the external drive doesn’t appear on any of these places and the data inside the unmounted external hard drive becomes inaccessible. When users encounter this issue, the easiest way to resolve this is by mounting the drive manually. Unfortunately, several users have reported getting the com.apple.DiskManagement.disenter error -119930868 whenever they try to mount the external drive using Disk Utility or the Terminal.

In some cases, the drive is already mounted but not visible. In other instances, the disk error appears no matter what action the user is trying to perform on the drive — whether it’s formatting, mounting, or erasing.

The complete error message reads:

Could not mount “disk name”.
(com.apple.DiskManagement.disenter error -119930868)

What Causes Com.apple.DiskManagement.disenter Error -119930868?

If you can’t mount your hard drive and the com.apple.DiskManagement.disenter error -119930868 appears, it could be due to any of the following reasons:

  • File system damage. File system is responsible for how data is organized and stored in a drive. If the file system of the Macintosh HD is corrupted, the master file table will be impacted in a direct manner so the Mac won’t mount the drive.
  • Virus attacks. Perhaps, your Mac system or the Macintosh HD is attacked by virus or malware, resulting in data corruption. Then your Mac won’t mount the Macintosh HD, either.
  • Catalog file corruption. Catalog files contain the record files of partitioned volumes. So if any catalog file becomes corrupt, the Mac won’t be able to get volume size location, description of volume content and other volume information, let alone mount the drive.
  • Disk Utility failures The Macintosh HD not mounted issue may be caused by Disk Utility faults, too.
  • System malfunctions. System malfunctions include machine malfunctions and operating system errors. If the Mac operating system crashes, it cannot mount any drive.

How to Solve com.apple.DiskManagement.disenter Error -119930868

Before you proceed with fixing this error, here is a checklist you need to consider when connecting your hard drive:

  • Reconnect the USB connector or adapter to fit the hard drive snugly.
  • Connect the hard drive to a different USB port or a different Mac.
  • Replace the USB cable or adapter in case you suspect it to be damaged.
  • Connect to an external power source if the hard drive requires one.
  • Check the LED light to ensure the storage device is powered on and working.
  • Swap the hard drive with a different case if you presume it to be faulty.

It is also recommended that you run a scan of your computer using a reliable antivirus program to make sure that the error is not being caused by a malware infection.

Once you’ve gone through the checklist and the error still appears, then proceed with the steps below.

Fix #1: Change macOS Settings.

Ensure Finder’s preference to show external disks on Desktop or Finder is enabled. To do this:

  1. Open Finder from Dock. From the top Menu Bar, go to Finder > Preferences.
  2. On the Finder Preferences window, click the General tab.
  3. Under the Show these items on the Desktop section, select the External disks checkbox. Your Desktop will now show the external hard drive icon.
  4. Click the Sidebar tab. Under the Locations section, select the External disks checkbox. Your Finder sidebar will now show the external hard drive.

You also need to ensure Disk Utility’s View menu has the “Show All Devices” option selected.

  1. Press Command + Space Bar keys to open Spotlight.
  2. Type disk utility and hit Return to open Disk Utility.
  3. Click the View menu located at the top left corner of Disk Utility and select Show All Devices. Your Disk Utility’s sidebar should now show the external hard drive.

Fix #2: Reset Mac Firmware Settings.

To reset NVRAM (Non-volatile RAM) & PRAM (Parameter RAM):

  1. Restart Mac then immediately press and hold Option + Command + P + R keys until you hear a second chime.
  2. Reset SMC (System Management Controller) on your Mac by using the instructions below:
    • For iMac, Mac Pro/mini, or laptop with a removable battery—detach the power cable or take out the battery then press and hold the Power button for 5 seconds.
    • For MacBook Air, MacBook Pro, or MacBook with non-removable battery—press and hold Shift + Control + Option + Power Button for 10 seconds.

Fix #3: Repair Disk with Disk Utility.

If your Mac computer won’t boot, you can boot your Mac into macOS Recovery mode and then repair unmounted Macintosh HD (disk0s2).

Follow these steps to repair unmounted Macintosh with Disk Utility:

  1. Turn on your Mac by pressing the Power button.
  2. Press and hold down Command+R keys immediately upon hearing the startup chime. Hold down the keys until you see the Apple logo, a spinning globe or other startup screen. Startup is complete when you see the macOS Utilities window.
  3. Select Disk Utility and click Continue.
  4. Select the unmounted Macintosh HD (disk0s2) from the left sidebar of Disk Utility window.
  5. Click First Aid in the toolbar of the Disk Utility window.
  6. Click Run to check and repair file system errors.
  7. Wait until the procedure is completed. If you get a message saying success, restart your Mac and see if your Mac can be booted.

If a message says that the disk utility cannot repair the disk, go to the next solution.

Fix #4: Fix Macintosh HD via Terminal.

If Disk Utility stopped repairing Macintosh HD in macOS, you can then try to fix it with Terminal.

  1. Boot your Mac into Recovery Mode.
  2. Click Utilities from the menu bar and select Terminal from the drop-down list.
  3. Enter diskutil list. This will list out the available volumes.
  4. Check the volume identifier from the table that appears. (For example disk 2s1)
  5. Enter diskutil repairVolume/disk 2s1. (Replace disk 2s1 with the volume identifier of your Macintosh HD)

Fix #5: Restore from a Time Machine Backup.

If you have a Time Machine backup, you can restore the backup and fix unmounted Macintosh HD (disk0s2).

  1. Boot your Mac into macOS Recovery mode.
  2. Select Disk Utility and click Continue.
  3. Select Macintosh HD (disk0s2) and click Erase.
  4. Before erasing, make sure you don’t lose any data.
  5. Return to macOS Utilities window.
  6. Select Restore from Time Machine Backup and click Continue.
  7. Select your Time Machine backup disk as the restore source and then click Continue.
  8. Select a backup and then click Continue.
  9. Select the hard disk as the restore destination and then click Restore to continue.
  10. Restart your Mac computer when the restore is done.

If all else fails, erase the drive and reinstall macOS.

If there is no important data or you have recovered lost data successfully, you can erase the drive and reinstall macOS instead using Recovery mode. Choose Disk Utility, select your drive and erase it. Go back to the main window and click Reinstall macOS. Keep in mind that this should be your last option. Hopefully this should resolve the com.apple.DiskManagement.disenter error -119930868 and fix your disk problem.

Vic is a search engine optimization expert, helping to optimize websites to make them more user-friendly. He’s been in the industry for more than 10 years, and his work speaks a lot about his experience and expertise in the IT and digital marketing fields. 

Vic is the one in charge of keeping our website running smoothly and efficiently, to make sure that our readers have a wonderful experience while visiting the website. He’s good at troubleshooting errors and fixing Windows issues that come up either when playing games or working on the computer. 

Vic is a certified gadget freak who feels the need to surround himself with cutting-edge technology. And this passion has helped him a lot in creating content that informs and guides users on using and troubleshooting the latest technology. He is an avid researcher who is always hungry for the latest news and updates on the most cutting-edge technology. 

Ist fehlgeschlagen Com Apple DiskManagement Disenter Fehler?

Fehlermeldung: com.apple.DiskManagement.disenter error 49153 Dieser Fehler kann auftreten, wenn die externe Festplatte mit NTFS formatiert und Paragon-Treibersoftware verwendet wird. Wenn Sie Paragon-Treibersoftware verwenden, liegt der Fehler möglicherweise bei der Software.

Wie behebt man auf dem Mac den Fehler das Medium konnte nicht deaktiviert werden?

Starten Sie den Mac neu. Halten Sie beim Neustart die Optionstaste gedrückt. Wählen Sie im erscheinenden Menü die Option macOS erneut installieren. Wählen Sie im Boot-Menü Festplattendienstprogramm.


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