Advertising in some countries can distort media choice by changing the cost ratios of various media

Chapter 16 — Integrated Marketing Communications and International AdvertisingObjectivesAdvertising and communications tends to be culture specific. After all, to be understood and to communicateeffectively, you must express yourself in the cultural language of your audience. So, how can the idea ofglobal advertising ever be anything other than standardize when feasible and adapt where culturallynecessary. In any case, since this issue continues to be debated and because there is often confusion aboutglobal advertising, these topics need to be discussed. In most cases, actual practice is to standardize parts ofthe message and to localize other parts.OutlineI. Global PerspectiveIntegrated marketing communications (IMC) are composed of advertising, sales promotions, trade shows,personal selling, direct selling and public relations.All these mutually reinforcing elements of thepromotional mix have as their common objective the successful sale of a product or service.In manymarkets, the availability of appropriate communication channels to customers can determine entrydecisions. For example, most toy manufacturers would agree that toys cannot be marketed profitably incountries without commercial television advertising directed toward children. Often different messages areappropriate for different communications channels.For most companies, advertising and personal selling are the major components in the marketingcommunications mix. The goal of most companies is to achieve synergies when sales promotions, publicrelations, and advertising are used together.II. Sales Promotions in International MarketsSales promotions are marketing activities that stimulate consumer purchases and improve the middlemen'seffectiveness and cooperation.Cents-off, in-store demonstrations, samples, coupons, gifts, product tie-ins, contests, sweepstakes,sponsorship of special events such as concerts, the Olympics, fairs, and point-of-purchase displays are typesof sales promotion devices. Sales promotions are short-term efforts directed to the consumer or retailer toachieve such specific objectives as consumer product trial or immediate purchase, consumer introduction tothe store or brand, gaining retail point-of-purchase displays, encouraging stores to stock the product, andsupporting and augmenting advertising and personal sales efforts.In markets in which the consumer is hard to reach because of media limitations, the percentage of thepromotional budget allocated to sales promotions may have to be increased. In some less developedcountries, sales promotions constitute the major portion of the promotional effort in rural and lessaccessible parts of the market. ie: Pepsi-Cocla, Coca-Cola; Ariel Road Show in Egypt; Nestle Baby Foodsproduct sampling (an especially effective promotional tool when the product concept is new or has a verysmall market share); Oreo ambassadors in China; Microsoft/Burger King collaboration - "Windows 7Whopper"; The success of a promotion may depend on local adaptation

82.Award:1.00 pointAdvertising ________ in some countries can distort media choice by changing the cost ratios ofvarious media.taxationlanguagedemographicscultural focuschannelsSome countries have special taxes that apply to advertising, which might restrict creative freedom inmedia selection. Advertising taxation can distort media choice by changing the cost ratios of variousmedia.

83.Award:1.00 pointReferencesMultiple ChoiceDifficulty: 1 EasyLearning Objective: 16-05 The effects of asingle European market on advertising.The only way to avoid linguistic problems in advertising communication is by

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in the context of integrated marketing communications, in many markets, the availability of appropriate _ to customers can determine entry decisions  

integrated marketing communications are composed of all but

for most companies, what are the major components in the marketing communications mix?

advertising and personal selling 

_ are marketing activities that stimulate consumer purchases and improve retailer or middlemen effectiveness and cooperation 

_ are short-term efforts directed to the consumer or retailer to achieve such specific objectives as consumer product trial or immediate purchase 

in-store demonstrations, sample, coupons, contests and sweepstakes are examples of _ devices 

what is not a specific objective of sales promotion

an especially effective promotional tool when a product concept is new or has a very small market share is known as 

creating good relationships with the popular press and other media to help companies communicate messages to their publics- customers, the general public, and governmental regulators- is the role of _

what element of integrated marketing communications is related to encouraging the press to cover positive stories about companies and managing unfavorable rumors, stories, and events?

_ might be classified as an aspect of sales promos or PR, through their connections to advertising are also manifest 

in the context of international advertising, global mass media advertising is a powerful tool for _

of all the elements of the marketing mix, decisions involving _ are those most often affected by cultural differences among country markets 

in the context of international advertising, it has been observed that advertising expenditures are generally _

while developing an international ad campaign, what is the first step of the process?

of all the elements of the marketing mix, decisions involving what are those most affected by cultural differences among country markets?

advertisement of the product 

of the 7 steps involved in the international advertising, _ almost always represents the most daunting task for international marketing managers 

what is an example of the primary attribute of a product 

the ability of a camera to take a picture 

due to differences in culture in different markets, standardized products that are marketed globally will require

a different advertising appeal

the emergence of pan-European communications media will most likely cause companies to

choose more standardized promotional efforts 

during what step of the international communications process does the receiver of the message interpret symbolism transmitted from the info source?

in the international communications process, during _, the message from the source is converted into effective symbolism for transmission to a receiver 

in the international communications process, the sales force of a company that conveys the encoded content to the intended receiver act as a _

in the international communications process, an international marketing executive with a product message to communicate act as 

in the international communications process, _ is defined as the interpretation by the receiver of the symbolism transmitted from the info source 

Cremics, a multinational drug manufacturing company, used a saffron trident in a promo campaign for one of their drugs in india. The saffron trident, a religious symbol in India was meant to indicate the three levels of efficacy of the drug, but mistakenly conveyed a religious message to Indians. This miscommunication indicates a problem associated with what step of an international communications process?

what element of the international communications process comprises external influences, such as competitive advertising, other sales personnel, and confusion at the receiving end that can detract from the ultimate effectiveness of the communication?

Janet works for a media agency based in Japan. Janet is helping the IMC manager of Sillure, a French cosmetics company, with the design and language to be used in an upcoming promo campaign in Japan. The IMC manager knows what to convey but wants to advertise it in a culturally relevant manner. What IMC process is Janet helping Sillure with?

in the communications process in advertising, during the _ stage, a consumer takes certain actions to respond to a decoded message 

in the context of the communications process in advertising, problems of literacy, media availability, and types of media create challenges in the communications process at the _

using newspapers of magazine ads as a channel of communication when the majority of the intended users are illiterate, is an example of ineffective _ in the communications process 

with reference to the communication process in advertising, using the internet as a medium when only a small % of an intended market as access to it, its an example of an error related to 

message channel selection 

using newspapers or magazine ads as a channel of communication when the majority of the intended users are illiterate, is an example of ineffective _ in the commucation process 

with reference to the communication process in advertising, using the internet as a medium when only a small % of an intended market has access to it, is an example of an error reltated to

message channel selection

Garbon, a manufacturer of sports bikes, in a bid to tap the enormous market for bikes in China, promote their bikes as premium sporting and leisure bikes. They use various cycling legends and sports celebs as brand ambassadors, and use TV, radio, and newspapers are media. Bikes in China are used mainly by the working class for commutation and the main users of bikes didnt relate to Garbon's products and the promo campaign was a failure. During what step of the IMC process did Garbon go wrong?

what step of a communications process is important as a check on the effectiveness of the other steps?

what statement about advertising laws around the world is correct?

toy, tobacco, and liquor advertising is restricted in numerous countries 

what is an example of comparative advantage?

an ad showing a dog choosing one brand of dog food over another 

what is especially vulnerable as EU member states decide which area of regulation should apply to these services?

Companies that rely on TV infomercials and TV shopping are restricted by the limitations placed on the _ of TV commercials permitted when their programs are classified as ads 

_ is one of the major barriers to effective communication through advertising 

_ in countries can distort media choice by changing the cost ratios of various media  

the only way to avoid linguistic problems in advertising communication is 

in-country testing with the target consumer group 

with respect to advertising, _ is especially important when a budget is small or where there are severe production limitations 

certain advertising media are forbidden by government edict to accept some advertising materials. Such restrictions are most prevelent in

radio and TV broadcasting 

one of the reasons for the notably low use of foreign national consumer magazines by international advertisers is that 

few magazines provide reliable circulation data 

what is considered to be major communication media in most countries due to their inherent entertainment value?

one of the drawbacks of satellites is 

their ability to span a wide geographical region 

_ allows ESPN to fill visual estate- blank walls, streets, stadium sidings- with computer-generated visuals that look like they belong in the scene

direct mail is an unpopular medium in Chile because 

the letter carrier must collect additional postage for every item delivered 

_ suffers from issues such as difficulty in assessing taxes, unfair competition, import duties, and privacy 

with regard to consumer products, what is the major limitation of the internet?

social media such as blogs and social networking permits consumers to

become authorized virtual brand agents for the product manufacturers 

blogs, social networking, and video sharing are examples of media commonly known as _

in what country is the time spent on social media sites is the highest?

in the context of media planning and analysis, billboards are especially useful in countries 

with high illiteracy rates 

in the context of international advertising, _ is the neon capital of the world 

in Spain, a new medium for advertising called Publicoche includes 

private cars that are painted with ads 

in the context of international advertising, companies are moving from the commission system to a _ system

the assault of advertising of _ is escalating internationally, as evidenced by the WTO launching a global campaign against it 

what is true of advertising agencies for international advertising?

cross-cultural communication between a foreign client and a local agency can be problematic 

_ in advertising is a thorny issue, because most member countries of the European Commission have different interpretations of what constitutes a misleading ads 

When developing an international advertisement campaign What is the first step of the process?

Step 1: Determine Your Objective and Budget. Every marketing campaign must start out with an objective and a budget. ... .
Step 2: Identify Your Target Audience. ... .
Step 3: Create Your Message. ... .
Step 4: Develop Your Media Strategy. ... .
Step 5: Implement Your Marketing Campaign. ... .
Step 6: Measure & Analyze Your Results..

During which step of the international communications process is the message from the source converted into effective symbolism for transmission to a receiver?

2. Encoding. The message from the source converted into effective symbolism for transmission to a receiver.

How can you avoid linguistic problems in advertising communication?

The only way to avoid linguistic problems in advertising communication is by: In-country testing with the target consumer group.

Which step of international advertising always represents the most difficult task for international marketing managers?

Of the seven steps in developing international advertising, developing messages almost always represents the most daunting task for international marketing managers.


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