Adobe flash player für windows 10 64 bit

Adobe Flash Player für Windows 10 - das beliebteste Produkt zum Abspielen von Flash-Animationen. Das Programm führt automatisch die Anzeige des SWF-Inhalts durch. Die FP-Technologie unterstützt Digitalkameras, Webcams und alle modernen Websites, die Animationen verwenden.

Das Programm führt die automatische Integration in Browser durch und zeigt Vektor- und Raster-Grafiken, Text und 3D-Modelle an. Unterstützung für ActionScript-Videostream. Derzeit verwenden über 90% der Benutzer weltweit dieses Dienstprogramm zur Wiedergabe von Medieninhalten im Netzwerk. Du kannst kostenlos herunterladen Adobe Flash Player neueste neue Version für Windows 10 auf Deutsch.


Technische Informationen Adobe Flash Player

  • Softwarelizenz: Testversion
  • Sprachen: Deutsch (de), Englisch
  • Publisher-Software: Adobe Systems
  • Gadgets: Desktop-PC computer, Ultrabook, Laptop (Acer,Lenovo, Samsung, MSI, Toshiba, ASUS, DELL, HP)
  • Betriebssystem: Windows 10 Pro / Enterprise / Education / Home Edition / version 1507, 1511, 1607, 1703, 1709, 1803, 1809, 1903 (32/64 bit), x86
  • Adobe Flash Player Offiziellen vollversion (Full) 2022
Verwandte SoftwareBewertungen

The good-old (but really vulnerable) Adobe Flash Player is still available to let you run some applications on old web browsers or develop apps or games as it offers a good environment and provides valuable features.


  • About
  • Key features
  • Cost
  • Security

What is Adobe Flash Player?

Adobe Flash Player is a freeware computer program developed by Adobe Inc. that was definitely discontinued in 2020 mainly for security vulnerabilities reasons. Initially created for viewing multimedia content, executing internet applications (including games), and streaming audio and video content. It could run from a web browser, as a plug-in, or as a standalone on supported devices.

What are the key features of Adobe Flash Player?

  • Multimedia support: As a graphic and multimedia program, it has supported both raster and vector graphics since its beginning. Moreover, many multimedia formats are natively supported, including MP3, FLV, PNG, JPEG, and GIF.
  • Data formats support: Adobe Flash Player natively supports many data formats, including XML, JSON, AMF, and SWF, to be as flexible and versatile as possible.
  • Streaming protocols: An app or a plug-in must be able to communicate through networks if it wants to offer modern and extendable features. That's why Adobe Flash Player supports the most used streaming protocols, including GTTP, RTMP, and TCP.
  • Performances: Since version 11, the low-level API called Stage3D offers full GPU acceleration similar to WebGL and allows you to code shaders for the different rendering pipeline stages. Moreover, the compilers have been improved over the years, and the Haxe multiplatform language can build programs that perform fast.
  • Developments and tools: There are several ways to develop applications and games using Flash Player. You can either build Flex applications using the Adobe Flex framework and take advantage of its collection of stylable Graphical User Interface, data manipulation, and networking components. You can also code pure ActionScript applications, which was how most video games were made. Additionally, Adobe offers the Adobe Gaming SDK composed of open-sources AS3 libraries, like Away3D (GPU-accelerated 3D graphics engine), Starling (GPU-accelerated 2D graphics), Feathers (GPU-accelerated skinnable GUI library), or Dragon Bones (GPU accelerated 2D skeletal animation library).

© Adobe

Is it free?

Yes, it is free to use.

Is it safe?

Adobe progressively stopped supporting Adobe Flash Player because it was very vulnerable to cyber-attacks, and lots of Flash Player packages were infected by many malware. It is however still available for download. If you are planning to use Adobe Flash Player, you have to ensure you know what you are doing if you don't want to risk getting infected by malware (Adobe strongly recommends all users immediately uninstall Flash Player to help protect their systems).

Adobe Flash Player

Contents About Key features Cost Security What is Adobe Flash Player? Adobe Flash Player is a freeware computer program developed by Adobe Inc. that was definitely discontinued in 2020 mainly for security vulnerabilities...

Adobe Flash Player (64-bit)

  • Rating:
  • Version: 11.9.900.110
  • Publisher:
  • File Size: 16.41 MB
  • Date: Oct 03, 2013
  • License: Freeware
  • Category:
    Browser Plug-Ins

Adobe Flash Player (64-bit) Download

Free Download Adobe Flash Player (64-bit) 11.9.900.110

Adobe Flash Player (64-bit) is the latest Adobe Flash Player for Windows OS x64 platform, drives innovation for rich, engaging digital experiences with new features for cross-platform browser-based viewing of expressive rich internet applications, content, and videos across devices. Some of the features from the Flash Player Incubator, such as Stage 3D and 64-bit support, have been moved into this beta release.

The license of this software is Freeware, you can free download and free use this browser plug-ins software.

Welchen Flash Player für Windows 10?

1. Flash Player-Emulator Ruffle nutzen. Das Open-Source-Projekt Ruffle stellt einen Flash-Emulator bereit, mit dem ihr Flash-Inhalte auf Webseiten sowie SWF-Dateien ausführen könnt. Realisiert wird dies von Browser-Erweiterungen für Chromium-Browser und Firefox, sowie eine Desktop-Anwendung für SWF-Dateien.

Was ist der Ersatz für Adobe Flash Player?

HTML5 gehört zu den gängigen Alternativen zum Adobe Flash Player. Sie müssen HTML5 jedoch nicht selbst installieren oder nachrüsten. Mit HTML5 ist es möglich, ohne Erweiterungen Webvideos abzuspielen, da alle aktuellen Browser wie Firefox, Opera, Windows Edge, Safari und Google Chrome dieses Format unterstützen.

Wie installiere ich Adobe Flash Player auf Windows 10?

Klicken Sie in Microsoft Edge oben rechts auf das Menü und öffnen Sie die Einstellungen. Dann wählen Sie „Erweiterte Einstellungen anzeigen“ aus und klicken neben „Adobe Flash Player verwenden“ auf „An“.

Was tun wenn Flash Player nicht mehr unterstützt wird?

Da Flash Player seit dem 31.12.2020 nicht mehr unterstützt wird und Adobe die Ausführung Flash-basierter Inhalte in Flash Player seit dem 12.01.2021 blockiert, empfiehlt Adobe allen Anwendern dringend, Flash Player zum Schutz ihrer Systeme umgehend zu deinstallieren.


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