A medical assistant is reinforcing teaching with a patient about pulse oximetry

61)A medical assistant is encouraging a patient to increase herintake of insoluble fiber to help prevent constipation andhemorrhoids. Which of the following foods should the assistantrecommend as the best source of insoluble fiber?

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62)A medical assistant is reviewing the list of medications apatient report currently taking. The assistant should recognizethat which of the following medications is available in asublingual form?

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63)When completing documentation in a patient’s paper medicalrecord, a medical assistant realized she made an error. Which ofthe following actions should the assistant take?

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64)A medical assistant needs to remove all living micro-organismsfrom a contaminated towel clamp. Which of the followingmethods should the assistant use to cleanse this instrument?a)Disinfectionb)Sanitizationc)Sterilizationd)Ultrasonic

65)A medical assistant is preparing a community resource library.Which of the following actions should the assistant take first?

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A medical assistant is reinforcing teaching with a patient about pulse oximetry

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A medical assistant is reinforcing teaching with a patient about pulse oximetry

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When performing a pulse oximetry reading on a patient which of the following factors should the medical assistant recognize as contributing to an erroneous result?

While performing a pulse oximetry reading on a patient, which of the following factors should the CCMA recognize as contributing to an erroneous result? The patient's movement could alter results in the pulse oximetry readings.

Which of the following terms should a medical assistant use to tell a provider that a patient is having discomfort and difficulty breathing quizlet?

Which of the following terms should a medical assistant use to tell a provider that a patient that a patient is having discomfort and difficulty breathing? Dyspnea is a term used to indicate that a patient is experiencing difficult or painful breathing.

Which of the following instructions should a medical assistant provide to a patient regarding transdermal?

Which of the following instructions should a medical assistant provide regarding transdermal patch use and care? Make sure to rotate patch placement to avoid skin irritation.

Which of the following actions should the medical assistant take when administering oxygen to the patient?

which of the following actions should the medical assistant take when administering oxygen to the patient? insert the tips of the cannula into the the patient's nostrils.