A major difficulty with knowledge based on personal sensory experience is that it

A developmental study was carried out with Latin American children and adolescents who has been part of recent migratory process in Spain. The general purpose of the present study was to investigate the development of their perception about social exclusion and discrimination. The specific interest was to explore the judgments and justifications on the part of Latin American children and adolescents regarding a social exclusion situation towards their own ethnic group, as well as their perceptions regarding their experiences of ethnic discrimination in the time they have lived in Spain, the possible causes and the solutions to solve them. For such a purpose, a semi-structured interview and a projective measure were designed, in the form of a picture showing a Latin American child being excluded from a birthday party. This study had two focal points. On one side, there were no developmental studies in Spain that deal with ethnic minority groups about ethnic exclusion on the basis of ethnic reasons. In view of the present social situation in Spain this study was of a great relevance. On the other side, the projective measure used as a visual support to the verbal interview represents, in a way, an indirect measure that allows assessing children’s judgments about intergroup relations through ambiguous yet familiar situations avoiding the difficulties implied in direct measures that assess prejudice (Aboud, 2003; Cameron, Alvarez, Ruble, & Fulgini, 2001; Margie, Killen, Sinno, & McGlothlin, 2005; McGlothlin, Killen, & Edmonds, 2005).

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A major difficulty with knowledge based on personal sensory experience is that it

Knowledge arrived at by consensus or majority agreement:

Knowledge that is based on expert opinion

is limited by the expert's experience

Knowledge based on logical reasoning

has specific prerequisites

The essential characteristic of the scientific method is

6. An investigator wishes to determine how much coverage current high school history texts give to the contributions of African Americans to our history. She should conduct:

Mixed-method research refers to use of both:

Quantitative and qualitative methods

"Critical researchers" emphasize the importance of all of the following except:

Which of the following factors should not influence the decision when one is selecting a topic or problem for research?

*B) Will I be able to prove that my previously held beliefs are true?

In conducting research, which of the following steps should generally be taken first?

Formulation of the problem to be solved

Operational definitions are encouraged in research in order to:

make terms used in a study as explicit as possible

"In this study interest in science is represented by the sciences area score on the Occupational Interest Inventory, Grades 7 to Adult, McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1956." The preceding statement illustrates a(n):

5. Which of the following statements can be checked by means of scientific inquiry?

The accident rate of driver education graduates is lower than the accident rate of those who have not had driver education.

Which of the following definitions of the term "aggressive behavior" is operational?

An "aggression" score on the XYZ behavior scale

A constitutive definition is one that:

is obtained from a published dictionary

Justification for a study is generally based on the study's contribution:

A researcher who decides to deceive participants in a study should:

Whether or not a given study has the possibility of causing harm to participants:

*B) must be determined by a review board established by the sponsoring institution

Ethical behavior of educational researchers is guided primarily by:

ethical standards established by the profession

Confidentiality requires that:

access to collected data be limited to research staff

Which of the following groups are not protected by laws governing privileged communication?

Informed consent to serve as a subject in research requires signing a document that states:

Research with minors presents special ethical concerns because:

hey are less likely to understand what is being asked of them

"Students taught first aid by programmed instruction will achieve at a higher level than those taught first aid by the traditional method." The independent variable in this hypothesis is:

In the example in question 1, the dependent variable is

Statements or predictions that are tested by collecting and analyzing objective evidence are called

Learning disabled children who attend public school programs will show greater increases in social competence than will comparable children who attend institutional programs." This is an example of a(n):

directional research hypothesis

Empirically testing a hypothesis is the process of determining

if systematic observation confirms it

A research report states that Group A was exposed to a new teaching method and Group B was exposed to a traditional method. At the end of a four-month period, each group was given the same achievement test. Group A had a mean score that was higher than the mean score for Group B. The dependent variable in this study was the:

achievement scores of the students

When a hypothesis is confirmed, one should conclude that

the data provide evidence favorable to the belief that the hypothesis is true

If a researcher studies the effects of frustration on the frequency of aggressive behavior, degree of frustration should be regarded as a(n):

The dependent variable is so called because:

scores on this variable are hypothesized to depend on, and vary with, the value of the independent variable

Characteristics of persons or things that can assume different values are called

A categorical variable is one that varies in:

An outcome variable is most similar to a(n):

In a study comparing methods of improving critical thinking, what type of variable is "critical thinking"?

Dependent, outcome, quantitative

Which of the following is a quantitative variable?

Advantages of stating research questions as hypotheses include:

Which of the following is a non-directional hypothesis?

Boys and girls will differ in their attitudes toward school.

Which of the following is a likely moderator variable in a study of the relationship between church attendance and political party preference?

The first step in selecting a sample should be to:

Generalizing research findings from a sample to the population is most likely to be justifiable when

a large random sample is used

. A researcher drew a sample by selecting every tenth name in a telephone directory. Which of the following types of sampling did she use?

The most important consideration in selecting a sample is that the sample be:

representative of the population

In random sampling, it is necessarily true that:

each sampling unit has an equal probability of being selected

The entire collection of people, elements, scores, or measurements to which conclusions are applied is:

The validity of generalizations based on a sample depends on the:

representativeness of the sample

The sample in a particular study is the:

group on which data are obtained

The accessible population in a study is the:

group from which one selects a sample

The most important feature of a table of random numbers is that:

there is no pattern to the numbers in the table

Two-stage cluster sampling refers to:

selecting groups and then individuals

Random sampling is least effective when:

the sample size is very small

A stratified random sample is used when:

the researcher wants to guarantee representativeness on specified variables

When a convenience sample is used, the researcher should not:

generalize to a specified population

The term "external validity" includes

population generalizability and ecological generalizability

Ecological generalizability includes the:

characteristics of the environment

In reading a table of random numbers, the researcher begins:

The best way to obtain a representative sample is to:

use a large simple random sample

In which of the following would one be most likely to find a professional evaluation of a particular commercial standardized test?

“The Buros Mental Measurement Yearbook”

The most serious limitation in the use of mailed questionnaires in research is in connection with:

Most widely used standardized achievement tests are useful because:

they have been carefully prepared, tried out, and refined through research

One advantage that the interview has over the questionnaire is that it:

is more useful in probing for underlying feelings and attitudes

Rapport is most essential when which data-gathering device is used?

Which of the following are data?

Which is an example of a subject-completed instrument?

How is "instrumentation" different from "instrument"?

Instrumentation includes the way in which the instrument is used.

Which of the following is the best synonym for validity?

Which of the following is the best synonym for reliability?

Objectivity in research means:

The use of previously developed instruments in a study is desirable because:

instrument development is a complex undertaking

A previously existing instrument:

may be inadequate for purposes of the researcher

minimizes observer judgment

Aptitude tests differ from ability tests primarily in their:

Which of these could be used as an aptitude test?

The Stanford Achievement Test

Which of the following would be the least appropriate variable to assess with an observational tally sheet?

A score reported as 17-6 is most likely

A commonsense definition of validity refers to an instrument that:

measures what it is supposed to measure

Reliability of measurement is concerned with:

An indispensable quality required for a good measuring instrument is that it produce evidence that is:

The validity of scores on a teacher-made classroom achievement test should be appraised in terms of:

its relation to the content and objectives of the course

The longer the time interval between a prediction and the event to be predicted, the:

smaller are the chances of making a good prediction

An arithmetic test is given twice within a few days to a student. The highest possible score is 40. He receives a score of 35 the first time and a score of 18 the second time. If similarly varying results are obtained with other students, the test is probably:

Which of the following is the best way to control for the unwanted influence of maturation processes in an experiment?

Which of the following is a question of internal validity in experimental research?

Has maturation influenced the dependent variable?

Subjects performing well merely because they are being observed (and not necessarily because of any effect of treatment) are considered to be under the influence of:

The threat of "subject characteristics" refers to differences among subjects on:

Loss of subjects is a threat to internal validity because

those "lost" may differ on the dependent variable from the remainder

Which of the following is not an example of a possible location threat?

All tests are given in a noisy gymnasium.

Instrument decay refers to the possibility that:

he instrument is systematically altered during the course of a study

Loss of subjects is a serious threat to internal validity in an experimental study if:

more are lost from one group

Data collector characteristics may be a threat to internal validity if:

Loss of subjects in a study can best be handled by:

making every effort not to lose subjects

When the same questionnaire is scored for opinions on two or more topics, a threat to internal validity may exist because:

respondents may psych out the researcher's hypothesis

In an experimental study, a subject characteristics threat may be present if:

age is related to the dependent variable

With which of the following findings would a maturation threat be of most concern?

"Third-grade reading scores demonstrated substantial gains after six months of perceptual training."

Which of the following illustrates an attitudinal threat to internal validity?

Students resented not receiving the new curriculum.

A regression threat to internal validity refers to the fact that:

groups selected at extremes will score closer to the average on retesting

Which threat would not apply to a correlational study?

The maximum possible correspondence or correlation between two variables is represented by a Pearson product-moment coefficient of:

Which one of these correlation coefficients has the least predictive value

The kind of graph on which one would determine the frequency of a given score by noting the height of the line is called a(n):

f there are only a few very high scores and a large number of closely bunched low scores in a distribution:

the mean will be higher than the median

When scores are grouped in constructing a frequency polygon or scatterplot:

all intervals must be the same size

A z-score is obtained by:

subtracting the mean from the score and dividing by the standard deviation

In a normal distribution, ±1 z-score includes about:

The standard deviation tells how:

much the scores in a distribution are spread out

An advantage of z-scores is that:

scores on different instruments can be compared

A scatterplot can be used only when:

both variables are quantitativ

Crossbreak tables are used when:

both variables are categorical

A relationship is shown in a crossbreak table by

a large discrepancy between actual and expected frequencies

The purpose of inferential statistics is:

to permit inferences from sample results to a population

An assumption basic to all inferential statistics is:

the sample(s) must be randomly selected

A sampling distribution is:

a frequency polygon made from sample values

A disadvantage of nonparametric inference tests is that they:

are less likely to show statistical significance than parametric tests

The magnitude of Chi-Square depends on the:

differences between observed and expected frequencies

Why are control groups necessary in certain experiments?

To make it easier to estimate the influence of the independent variable

One difference between the experimental and other methods in research has to do with the:

The feature that best characterizes experimental research is the:

systematic variation of conditions

Experimental research is the most powerful research method for:

determining cause and effect

A major problem with experimental research in education is that:

the researcher may not have sufficient control over treatments

Which is not a serious threat in a one-group pretest-posttest design?

) Characteristics of subjects

An important difference between experimental and nonexperimental research is that the independent
variable in experimental research is:

A researcher would be likely to use matching in a randomized posttest control group design:

if the number in each treatment group is small

A researcher would use matching rather than random assignment when:

random assignment is impossible

Which of the following is not possible in causal-comparative research?

Random assignment to treatment or comparison groups

One way of providing some control in a causal-comparative research design is to:

match the subjects in the groups to be compared on as many extraneous variables as possible

Causal-comparative research is so named because:

it is a way of exploring cause-effect relationships

Causal-comparative studies are conducted when experimentation is:

The causal-comparative and experimental methods are similar in that both:

involve at least one categorical variable

The appropriate statistical procedure when all variables are categorical is the:

In a causal-comparative study, comparison groups:

The major threat to internal validity in a causal-comparative study is:

A correlation coefficient of -0.79 between time spent in typing practice and the number of typing errors means that:

as time spent in practice increased, errors tended to decrease

In which of the following would one be most likely to find a correlation coefficient of zero or close to zero?

Shoe sizes of adult males correlated with their salaries

A researcher studied the relationship between the use of alcohol and grades in college. She found that a larger proportion of drinkers received low grades than did teetotalers. She should conclude that:

drinking habits and grades are related

Correlational research differs from experimental research in that:

There is no manipulation of variables

Correlational research is used to:

A regression line is used to:

estimate the score on one variable from the score on another variable

Multiple regression is a technique for:

predicting a criterion from two or more predictors in combination

Survey research is concerned primarily with:

reporting existing conditions

The purpose of most surveys is to:

describe the characteristics of a population

Items used in survey research can include:

In a panel study, the researcher obtains information from:

the same sample at different points in time

The primary advantages of the interview are:

high response rate and opportunity for clarification of questions

An advantage of multiple-choice questions as compared to open-ended questions is that they:

A cover letter should accomplish all of the following except:

clarifying the researcher's hypotheses

Interviewers should be trained to do all of the following except:

show their own views regarding the study

A basic difference between positivism and its critics pertains to:

Which of the following is more likely to be found in a qualitative study compared to other methods?

A description of the patterns of interaction among the members of a group

Hypotheses in qualitative research usually:

emerge as the study progresses

In qualitative research, "process" is seen as:

an important aspect to be investigated

The unique perceptions of individuals are most likely to be viewed by qualitative researchers as:

an essential part of an investigation

Data analysis in qualitative studies, compared to quantitative studies, is:

inductive rather than deductive

Qualitative researchers prefer natural settings because:

they believe context is crucial

Generalization in qualitative research is:

different from quantitative research

Advantages of Mixed-Method studies are

comprehensiveness and thoroughness

Essential features of a good action research study are:

local focus and plan of action

“Stakeholders” in action research are those who:

are affected by the problem

Which is not a criticism of participatory action research?

It cannot provide useful knowledge.

Which method is appropriate for action research?

Action research and “formal” research differ in:

The role of the trained researcher in action research may be:

Extensive involvement of participants is often justified by their:

Generalization in action research is best accomplished by:

Action research and “formal” research are similar in:

What type of variable is critical thinking?

Furthermore, critical thinking seems to be a moderator variable, mediating an indirect effect of interest on school performance.

When individuals rely on experiences as a basis for knowledge about the world they are using ?

In philosophy, empiricism is an epistemological theory that holds that knowledge or justification comes only or primarily from sensory experience. It is one of several views within epistemology, along with rationalism and skepticism.

What type of research method requires assigning numbers to observations and reflects the presence of an attribute?

Ordinal Variable It is the 2nd level of measurement and is an extension of the nominal variable. They are built upon nominal scales by assigning numbers to objects to reflect a rank or ordering on an attribute. Also, there is no standard ordering in the ordinal variable scale.

Which type of study is most likely to enable generalization of the findings?

Correlational studies allow researchers to make broad generalizations. Case studies allow researchers to consider various causes.


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